Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Global Cooling

A new ice age is upon us. Where's AlGore now? Why isn't this information plastered on the front pages of every newspaper and newscast in the country?

It seems that the month of April, 2007, was the 47th coolest in 113 years!!! A massive 0.3 degrees F colder than the average for the entire 20th century!!! If only I could find a way to display a completely distorted graph or pie chart (like the rest of the media does) to stress the importance of this information!!

Get out your parkas!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Democracy Inaction

This is embarrassing. Our fair city of Jackson, TN, just has the first election for a new City Mayor in almost 20 years when no incumbent was running. Everything was up for grabs. And, I just heard on WNWS, 101.5 FM, that less than 20 percent of the voters turned out. I don't know if that number is final, but it sure stinks.

Even the FRENCH turn out more voters. Over 80% of their potential voters showed up to vote for a new President. Now, mind you, a presidential election gets out more people that a small town Mayor. BUT COME ON PEOPLE!!! Don't complain when you don't like what Jerry Gist is doing if you didn't bother to take 20 minutes to vote!!!