Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama is getting desperate

Senator Obama is apparently getting desperate. He's now claiming that anybody who isn't for "taxing the rich" is just being selfish. Well, Mr Obama, lets look at who is really selfish.

How much money do you give to charity, sir? Since you obviously care more about the poor than I do, I'm sure you are giving 15 or 20% of your income to charity, right? Well, according to your tax records, you gave a measly (dare I say selfish) 6% of your income to charitable organizations in 2006. From 2000-2005, your maximum donation was a miserly 4.7%; shamefully, it was as low as 0.4% in 2002.

Senator McCain, on the other hand, donated 26% of his 2007 income to charity. In 2006, it was 18%.

Conservatives, on average, give "about thirty percent more per conservative-headed family than per liberal-headed family. And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money"- Arthur Brooks, author of "Who Really Cares".

What this really shows is that Senator Barak Obama doesn't trust the average American enough to give to the needy; he feels that only the government can decide what to do with money. Looks to me like you are the selfish one, sir.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama admits he's a Marxist

Barak Obama has been caught on camera admitting that he is a Marxist. He has decided that we should "share the wealth."

He keeps claiming 95% of Americans are going to get a "tax cut", but that is a blatant lie. Fourty (40) percent of this country doesn't even pay in to the income tax system to begin with!! How the crap are they going to get a "tax cut?" Apparently by stealing from the plumber.

His new campain slogan, to be emblazed on his presidential seal, should be "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Of course...

this is pretty hard to beat.

Best drummer...ever

Non political post

Take 4 minutes and 46 seconds to watch this. These dudes still rock, even with their AARP cards!

I'd give my brother's right arm to be able to play like this.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

What the Crap?

Absolutely nothing has improved since the Looters passed their "economic recovery bill". In fact, it's gotten worse.

I called my Representative the day the house first failed to pass the original bill. My rep had voted "For" the boondoggle. Of course, he also voted "for" the newest bill that passed.

Here's a quote from the letter he sent me (that I got today in the mail) explaining why he voted for the bill:

"As you know, the House narrowly failed to pass the rescue package and the stock market subdequently plunged..."

What the crap is happening now, then, Mr Representative, to the market, since you "passed" that crap-loaded rescue bill????????? You passed that garbage, and the market not only plunged, it took a complete nose dive!!!!!!

This stuff is really ticking me off.

Let the companies fail. AIG is NOT TOO BIG TO FAIL! It is just the height of arrogance to think that if AIG goes down, armageddon will be upon us. The need that AIG filled will still be there if AIG is gone. Somebody else will sweep in and take over.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Oil and Gas Don't Mix

Why in the world is the price of gasoline not coming down faster? The second that oil prices go up, every gas station in town raises their prices. This, despite the fact that the gas in their tanks was paid for weeks or months ago.

Now that oil prices are plummeting, gas has just barely dropped. Today, oil closed at below $88/barrel. That's down from a high of over $147/barrel back in July. Gas was close to 4 bucks a gallon then. Now, gas is $3.45/gallon in my town.

If gas "must" go up to cover the increasing cost of oil, it seems to me that it "must" go down, as well.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Senate passes earmark laden economic bill, with the aid of Senator McCain

The Senate today passed a bloated economic bill today, AKA the "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008"

Can anybody please explain to me what the heck wooden arrows (section 503), wool research (section 325), mine rescue teams (section 310), race tracks (section 317), Puerto Rican rum (section 308) and investment in the District of Columbia (section 322) have to do with this "economic crisis"? They want to spend how much of my money on this type of garbage?

From a "simple 3 page bill" to a 451 page behemoth, this is going to do down, I'm afraid, as the single reason Senator Obama will become president. I noticed that Senator McCain signed on as well. What happened to his promise that he'd veto any bill that had earmarks in it? I guess it's OK to vote for garbage, but he wouldn't sign the same bill if he was in office?

To quote Senator McCain (because he apparently forgot) “Earmark spending runs against the public interest in many ways and especially when public safety is in the balance. And that’s why, as president, I will veto every bill with earmarks until the Congress stops sending bills with earmarks .It may take a while for Congress to adjust, but sooner or later they’ll figure out that there’s a new sheriff in town.”

Why are we in this financial mess?

Check out this video. It's almost 11 minutes long. Bear in mind, the producers of this video are pro-McCain. So they put little to no blame on the Republicans; I'm sure there is plenty of culpability to go around. But everything in it is factual.

Based on this video, do you really believe that Washington DC can fix this problem?

The answer, a resounding "NO!"

Burning down the house