I'm starting a low carb diet for my new years resolution. I'm using the Atkins book as a guide. If you've never actually tried it, I would encourage you to actually read his book. I have found that, without exception, people who criticize the diet have never actually read the book. It's not all bacon and eggs (although that is one of the best parts...I LOVE bacon). Tons of vegetables and protein on the diet.
He has a pretty convincing argument that our modern lifestyle of over-abundant, highly-refined, low-nutrient high-carb lifestyle is killing us. People are eating a low fat, high carb diet in record numbers, yet America is getting fatter and fatter. We just weren't designed to eat foods that nearly instantly turn to sugar in our bodies.
4 days into the diet, and I am having absolutely no acid reflux (I've completely stopped my heartburn meds). I have no headaches. Have already lost some weight (which Dr Atkins freely admits is initially partly water weight). But for the first time in years, I was able to pass up the donuts at work this morning without even a second thought.
Again, let me stress that you should read the book before you criticize him. Even if you don't start his eating plan, you'll learn a lot about nutrition.
"Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery." Terry Goodkind, The Pillars of Creation
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Things we should all agree on
1. Mapquest direction should begin on step #4. I'm pretty sure I already know how to get out of my own neighborhood.
2. Everyone should boycott movie & television technology beyond Blueray. I'm sick and tired of having to purchase all my movies again and again.
3. US citizens should adopt the afternoon siesta.
4. Don't tell your doctor that you have a "high pain tolerance." We all automatically know you are a wuss at that point.
5. When asking your doctor for pain meds, don't request them by their street names (i.e. "hydros")
6. Texting while driving should be a capital offense. Or at least life imprisonment spent breaking big boulders into pea gravel.
7. Dogs are man's best friend. Cats would be happy to claw out your eyes.
8. MTV should be required to show at least 3 music videos a day.
9. Opinions are not like a$$holes or belly buttons. I've seen people who don't have a navel or an anus.
10. Broadcasting fishing or bowling on TV should be limited to prison televisions.
2. Everyone should boycott movie & television technology beyond Blueray. I'm sick and tired of having to purchase all my movies again and again.
3. US citizens should adopt the afternoon siesta.
4. Don't tell your doctor that you have a "high pain tolerance." We all automatically know you are a wuss at that point.
5. When asking your doctor for pain meds, don't request them by their street names (i.e. "hydros")
6. Texting while driving should be a capital offense. Or at least life imprisonment spent breaking big boulders into pea gravel.
7. Dogs are man's best friend. Cats would be happy to claw out your eyes.
8. MTV should be required to show at least 3 music videos a day.
9. Opinions are not like a$$holes or belly buttons. I've seen people who don't have a navel or an anus.
10. Broadcasting fishing or bowling on TV should be limited to prison televisions.
This day in history

On January 4, 1903, Thomas Edison electrocuted Topsy the elephant, in an attempt to demonstrate how AC current was too dangerous to use for our country's power grid. It was actually caught on film.
Despite this gruesome display, Edison's Direct Current electricity grid just didn't have the oomph to power our growing country. Tesla's AC system won out in the end. Edison was a genius, for sure; but this example of poor judgement shows he was all to human as well.
Health care rationing
As Thomas Sowell has eloquently put it, general economics is not a zero sum game. Just because person X makes more money, that doesn't mean person Y has to lose a proportionate amount.
However, government controlled health care will indeed be zero-sum. Since it's actually impossible for government to create wealth, and their only way to actually get more money is to raise taxes, there is only a finite amount of money that can be budgeted towards health care. So they will soon have to make decisions for the "public good." This will mean that once you reach the end of your usefulness to the government, they will no longer provide access to medical care.
In other words, your elderly grandmother will be denied dialysis based on government actuary tables.
It's the only way they can control costs. Which, lets be honest, is the only reason big government Looters want socialized medicine. They don't care if you live longer & healthier. They certainly don't care if a physician practice is more efficient. In fact, the earlier you die, the less you cost. Can you say "Logan's Run?" Or "Soylent Green is people!!!?
However, government controlled health care will indeed be zero-sum. Since it's actually impossible for government to create wealth, and their only way to actually get more money is to raise taxes, there is only a finite amount of money that can be budgeted towards health care. So they will soon have to make decisions for the "public good." This will mean that once you reach the end of your usefulness to the government, they will no longer provide access to medical care.
In other words, your elderly grandmother will be denied dialysis based on government actuary tables.
It's the only way they can control costs. Which, lets be honest, is the only reason big government Looters want socialized medicine. They don't care if you live longer & healthier. They certainly don't care if a physician practice is more efficient. In fact, the earlier you die, the less you cost. Can you say "Logan's Run?" Or "Soylent Green is people!!!?
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