Saturday, June 30, 2012


Someone recommended the book "A Year in Province" by Peter Mayle. Went to, thinking I'd get the Kindle version. Lo and behold, amazon is asking $3.50 MORE for the ebook than for the actual, physical, book!!! Crap.

Friday, June 29, 2012


I've owned a Kindle since their first version came out, and I now have the keyboard version that came out right before they started selling the Kindle Fire. I love reading on it.

I recently bought the new iPad. I've used the Kindle app on my iPhone from time to time, when I had a few minutes to spare. Well, I recently thought I'd try reading on my iPad for an extended period of time.

After doing this for a couple of weeks, I have to say that I prefer reading on the e-ink Kindle. The screen images on the iPad are amazing, to be sure. And, even though the iPad is really lightweight, after awhile of holding it, it feels like it weighs a ton. That never happens on my Kindle. And I do seem to get more eye strain from the backlit iPad than I get from the e-ink on Kindle.

The iPad has replaced much of what I do on my MacBook Pro (unless it involves a lot of typing, like this!). But I think I'll stick with the Kindle for reading.

As for Amazon vs Apple's book store, I'm a bit miffed that the prices are always exactly the same on both sites! And with publishers pitching a fit about Amazon's initial pricing, e-books aren't nearly the bargain they used to be.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Earth. The big blue marble

This is one One of the most awesome pictures I've ever seen.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Yet another adult stem cell victory

In another blow to the embryonic stem cell crowd, adult stem cells have PROVEN to be successful again. The AP is reporting today that doctors in London have "successfully transplanted a vein grown with a patient's own stem cells."

Doctors in Poland have successfully made blood vessels from skin stem cells.

Drop the abomination that is fetal stem cell research, and start plowing money into ADULT STEM CELLS!!!