"Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery." Terry Goodkind, The Pillars of Creation
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
The Truth Behind Embryonic Stem Cells
The biggest leap forward in embryonic stem cell research, the work by South Korean researcher Hwang Woo-suk, crumbled beneath the feet of it's supporters recently.
Apparently, Mr Woo-suk LIED about his results in an effort to outshine the successes of ADULT stem cell researchers. Why was he compelled to fabricate data? Was he concerned that experiments with Adult stem cells (those obtained from umbilical cords, fat cells, nasal mucosa, etc) would prove that destroying fertilized embryos was unnecessary?
Apparently, Mr Woo-suk LIED about his results in an effort to outshine the successes of ADULT stem cell researchers. Why was he compelled to fabricate data? Was he concerned that experiments with Adult stem cells (those obtained from umbilical cords, fat cells, nasal mucosa, etc) would prove that destroying fertilized embryos was unnecessary?
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
NSA spying
Personally, I don't like the idea that the government can listen in on my private conversations with my mommy or the pizza place, but, I'm tired of all the hypocritical liberals lambasting the President for this, as if he's the only one who ever ordered a wire tap without a warrant.
Feb 9, 1995, Executive Order 12949. President Clinton authorizes the Attorney General to "approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year"
July 14, 1994,. Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee that "the president has inherent authority to conduct warrantless physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes."
May 23, 1979, Executive Order 12139. President Carter authorized the Attorney General "to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order."
So do NOT blame this event on a corrupt Republican administration. I didn't hear the lefties whining on 2/9/95, 7/14/94 or 5/23/79.
Feb 9, 1995, Executive Order 12949. President Clinton authorizes the Attorney General to "approve physical searches, without a court order, to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year"
July 14, 1994,. Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee that "the president has inherent authority to conduct warrantless physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes."
May 23, 1979, Executive Order 12139. President Carter authorized the Attorney General "to approve electronic surveillance to acquire foreign intelligence information without a court order."
So do NOT blame this event on a corrupt Republican administration. I didn't hear the lefties whining on 2/9/95, 7/14/94 or 5/23/79.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Infant Euthanasia
It could happen here before we realize it.
The Netherlands have set up a "commission to regulate the practice of ending the lives of 'seriously suffering' newborn babies."
Between 1997-2004, 22 newborn babies were killed there because they had spina bifida, a birth defect of the spinal column. I guess they never met the physician who was a 3rd year resident when I was an intern. If this doctor had been born in the Netherlands, he never would have been allowed to live to teach me how to insert central venous lines into dying patients in order to save their lives.
The Netherlands have set up a "commission to regulate the practice of ending the lives of 'seriously suffering' newborn babies."
Between 1997-2004, 22 newborn babies were killed there because they had spina bifida, a birth defect of the spinal column. I guess they never met the physician who was a 3rd year resident when I was an intern. If this doctor had been born in the Netherlands, he never would have been allowed to live to teach me how to insert central venous lines into dying patients in order to save their lives.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Adult Stem Cells strike again!
Once again, researchers have proven that ADULT stem cells are providing cures that the proponents of embryonic stem cells are only dreaming about.
Scientists at the Imperial College of London, England, have shown that by injecting adult stem cells into the blood stream of patients with liver failure, these patients can repair their own liver. The stem cells were derived from the patients' own blood.
Why does the mainstream media continue to ignore these successes and refuse to acknowledge the superiority of adult stem cells over embryonic cells???
Scientists at the Imperial College of London, England, have shown that by injecting adult stem cells into the blood stream of patients with liver failure, these patients can repair their own liver. The stem cells were derived from the patients' own blood.
Why does the mainstream media continue to ignore these successes and refuse to acknowledge the superiority of adult stem cells over embryonic cells???
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Category 5 Hurricanes

The website Weathermatrix.net has compiled a list of all Category 5 Hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean since records began to be kept back in 1886. Including Hurricane Rita, there have only been 27 of these storms. Only 9 of them were Cat 5 when they made landfall, and only 3 of those hit the US mainland.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Left will do anything to win...
Responding to the revelation that 2 of it's senior staffers illegally obtained Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele's credit report, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) stated that "the DSCC did not authorize the employees to access Mr. Steele's credit report".
They didn't authorize them? That sounds to me like the DSCC might authorize such illegal activity in the future; they just regret being caught at it now. As if their "authorizing" the access would have made it better.
I hope Mr Steele uses the left's favorite tool (the court system)to his full advantage.
They didn't authorize them? That sounds to me like the DSCC might authorize such illegal activity in the future; they just regret being caught at it now. As if their "authorizing" the access would have made it better.
I hope Mr Steele uses the left's favorite tool (the court system)to his full advantage.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Slick Willie at it again
This weekend, Slick Willie Clinton tried to establish his legacy as the greatest President in the history of the universe. After walking hand in hand with GHW Bush to raise money for Katrina victims, Mr Clinton goes on TV claiming that the world was a better place when he was in charge.
Supposedly, President Bush cancelled programs that were started by ex-President Clinton that were saving people from poverty.
Which programs were cancelled, specifically?
Why is it that African-American homeownership is at an all time high?
Why is it that unemployment is at record lows, even with Katrina's wrath?
Why are the federal coffers filling with more tax revenues than ever before?
Don't get me wrong. I think Dubya is spending WAY TOO MUCH MONEY. I'd like to see a smaller deficit. But I NEVER want to see a SURPLUS. That just means they've been stealing too much of our hard earned dollars.
And why is Mr Clinton criticizing Mr Bush for invading Iraq "virtually alone and before UN inspections were completed, with no real urgency." I guess that he forgot that little thing called BOSNIA!
Supposedly, President Bush cancelled programs that were started by ex-President Clinton that were saving people from poverty.
Which programs were cancelled, specifically?
Why is it that African-American homeownership is at an all time high?
Why is it that unemployment is at record lows, even with Katrina's wrath?
Why are the federal coffers filling with more tax revenues than ever before?
Don't get me wrong. I think Dubya is spending WAY TOO MUCH MONEY. I'd like to see a smaller deficit. But I NEVER want to see a SURPLUS. That just means they've been stealing too much of our hard earned dollars.
And why is Mr Clinton criticizing Mr Bush for invading Iraq "virtually alone and before UN inspections were completed, with no real urgency." I guess that he forgot that little thing called BOSNIA!
Monday, September 19, 2005
You Hypocrite
How quickly they forget.
Sure, close to 1000 people so far have been confirmed dead, killed by the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina. And the European press are loving it. Headlines in European rags lead with bylines about the American South looking like a third world country. They claim that no civilized nation would let it's people down like that.
I guess they forgot about their own natural disaster of just a few short years ago. In August of 2003, Europe experienced what we in Tennessee call a "heat wave." Temperatures got as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 deg C). A total of 40,000 people were killed by the heat. FORTY THOUSAND. What kind of civilized nation would let it's people die from nothing but the heat? No wind. No floods. Just heat.
I'm not saying that 104 degree weather isn't serious. It is, for sure. BUT, it would be nice if the European press would tone down their rhetoric just a bit.
For it is written:
3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Matthew 7:3-5 (NIV)
Sure, close to 1000 people so far have been confirmed dead, killed by the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina. And the European press are loving it. Headlines in European rags lead with bylines about the American South looking like a third world country. They claim that no civilized nation would let it's people down like that.
I guess they forgot about their own natural disaster of just a few short years ago. In August of 2003, Europe experienced what we in Tennessee call a "heat wave." Temperatures got as high as 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 deg C). A total of 40,000 people were killed by the heat. FORTY THOUSAND. What kind of civilized nation would let it's people die from nothing but the heat? No wind. No floods. Just heat.
I'm not saying that 104 degree weather isn't serious. It is, for sure. BUT, it would be nice if the European press would tone down their rhetoric just a bit.
For it is written:
3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Matthew 7:3-5 (NIV)
They'll never stop...
Not being satisfied at destroying a human being during the embryo stage, scientists at UC Irvine are letting the embryo develop longer until it develops specialized, neural stem cells.
I actually got a bit excited reading this article when it mentions that embryonic stem cells are " not the only type of stem cell". I thought it would acknowledge the many success stories from using Adult Stem cells derived from fat, placenta, nasal tissue, etc. But oh no. They then go on to describe the "neural stem cells". The article never once mentions adult stem cells.
Just wait until the scientists realize that if they just wait a bit longer, actual organs will be present for them to "harvest". In fact, why not just wait until 8 months or so have gone by for the "fetus" to develop even more special cells.
I actually got a bit excited reading this article when it mentions that embryonic stem cells are " not the only type of stem cell". I thought it would acknowledge the many success stories from using Adult Stem cells derived from fat, placenta, nasal tissue, etc. But oh no. They then go on to describe the "neural stem cells". The article never once mentions adult stem cells.
Just wait until the scientists realize that if they just wait a bit longer, actual organs will be present for them to "harvest". In fact, why not just wait until 8 months or so have gone by for the "fetus" to develop even more special cells.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Why I hate "reality" TV
I can't stand these shows. "What Not to Wear." "The Batchelor." "Average Joe." "Survivor." etc.
They prey on people's insecurities, telling them that they are not acceptable the way they are. "You are pathetic and you need our help" is the message these shows send.
Well, it looks like one of these shows has finally gone too far. On September 18, 2005, the New York Daily News reports that the ABC show "Extreme Makeover" may have led to the suicide of a jilted contestant's sister.
It seems that Deleese Williams was flown to LA, promised a Hollywood makover, but on the eve of her surgery, the producer dropped her from the show because her recovery time post-operatively was predicted to be "too long." Before she was flown to LA, the producers got Ms Williams family and friends, including the sister who took her own life, to trash her viciously on camera for a dramatic effect. Shortly after Ms Williams returned home, humiliated, her sister killed herself. Ms Williams is now suing ABC.
Normally, I can't stand lawsuits, but I hope Ms Williams wins this one. That would make for some good reality TV.
They prey on people's insecurities, telling them that they are not acceptable the way they are. "You are pathetic and you need our help" is the message these shows send.
Well, it looks like one of these shows has finally gone too far. On September 18, 2005, the New York Daily News reports that the ABC show "Extreme Makeover" may have led to the suicide of a jilted contestant's sister.
It seems that Deleese Williams was flown to LA, promised a Hollywood makover, but on the eve of her surgery, the producer dropped her from the show because her recovery time post-operatively was predicted to be "too long." Before she was flown to LA, the producers got Ms Williams family and friends, including the sister who took her own life, to trash her viciously on camera for a dramatic effect. Shortly after Ms Williams returned home, humiliated, her sister killed herself. Ms Williams is now suing ABC.
Normally, I can't stand lawsuits, but I hope Ms Williams wins this one. That would make for some good reality TV.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
New World Order
While I am not one who normally believes in conspiracies (except for the one about freemasons hiding the treasure of the Temple of Solomon under a church in NYC!), it looks like we are getting one step closer to a One World Government .
Ex-president of the US Bill Clinton looks like he is setting himself up to be president of the World. Rumors abound about his being next in line to be the Secretary General of the Useless Nations.
Wherever and whenever a neo-con-inspired disaster strikes, he's there, all smiles and thumbs up.
Now it looks like he's bringing 1000 of the world's "leading" thinkers, businessmen and politicians together for one big Clinton-a-thon in NYC, ostentatiously to talk about ending world poverty, lessening religious tensions, reduce global warming and to promote good democracies.
Just imagine the liberal utopia we could be living in, if only we would realize our own ineptitude and let Mr Clinton run our daily lives. We would all gladly work for free, donating our entire salaries to the less fortunate. We would allow the omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent government to provide for our every need. And there would be no need for private charities since big brother was watching out for us now. We would all hold hands, bow our heads and say a prayer to a greater "nothing", all the while admitting that the truest higher power resides in the governmental seat. We'd be riding to work on hydrogen powered bicycles, eating organic broccoli off of biodegradable plates that have been used a dozen or so times beforehand. And we'd all be registered Democrats.
Ex-president of the US Bill Clinton looks like he is setting himself up to be president of the World. Rumors abound about his being next in line to be the Secretary General of the Useless Nations.
Wherever and whenever a neo-con-inspired disaster strikes, he's there, all smiles and thumbs up.
Now it looks like he's bringing 1000 of the world's "leading" thinkers, businessmen and politicians together for one big Clinton-a-thon in NYC, ostentatiously to talk about ending world poverty, lessening religious tensions, reduce global warming and to promote good democracies.
Just imagine the liberal utopia we could be living in, if only we would realize our own ineptitude and let Mr Clinton run our daily lives. We would all gladly work for free, donating our entire salaries to the less fortunate. We would allow the omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent government to provide for our every need. And there would be no need for private charities since big brother was watching out for us now. We would all hold hands, bow our heads and say a prayer to a greater "nothing", all the while admitting that the truest higher power resides in the governmental seat. We'd be riding to work on hydrogen powered bicycles, eating organic broccoli off of biodegradable plates that have been used a dozen or so times beforehand. And we'd all be registered Democrats.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Stem Cell Expert with "doubts"
A world renowned researcher, Professor Lord Robert Winston , has warned the world that there may be a lot of hype behind embryonic stem cell research. As reported by BBC news,Lord Winston feels that researchers have hyped outcomes just to get legislative approval and funding for their pet projects.
The vast majority of problems with embryonic stem cells could be avoided with more concentration on adult stem cells, as outlined in previous articles on this blog.
The vast majority of problems with embryonic stem cells could be avoided with more concentration on adult stem cells, as outlined in previous articles on this blog.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Democrats using Katrina to raise money
According to Devlin Barrett, a writer for the Associated Press, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee tried to pull a fast one by linking a letter criticizing the head of FEMA's handling of the Katrina disaster to a web page that asked for donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC).
Embarrassed at being caught at this terrible abuse of a national tragedy, the DSCC disconnected the link, stating that any money raised by that website would be donated to the Red Cross.
Sure it will.
I guess we need to set un an independent investigative panel to validate the delivery of each and every dollar raised.
Embarrassed at being caught at this terrible abuse of a national tragedy, the DSCC disconnected the link, stating that any money raised by that website would be donated to the Red Cross.
Sure it will.
I guess we need to set un an independent investigative panel to validate the delivery of each and every dollar raised.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
The Katrina Fiasco
The humanitarian disaster that followed Katrina was not the fault of any one person, department or political party.
The mayor of New Orleans was informed by the National Hurricane Director 2 days before the storm hit that an evacuation was necessary.
The Governor of Louisiana was asked by President Bush before the storm hit, to call for an evacuation.
The city and State officials asked that if people couldn't leave the city, they try to get to the Superdome. But no food or water was delivered there beforehand.
The Louisiana National Guard is under the command of the Governor. But they were not put in place until AFTER the chaos ensued.
From day 1, the news media was showing the horrific scenes from the Superdome and the Convention Center. Scenes of violence, deprivation and destruction. But, unbelievably, the Feds had no idea that people were even at the Convention Center.
How is it that Fox News was able to get reporters to the crowded overpasses, but FEMA couldn't get a water truck there?
Finally, I don't believe for a minute that the skin color of the victims had anything to do with the inadequate responses to Katrina. It had everything to do with the incompetence of those in charge.
The mayor of New Orleans was informed by the National Hurricane Director 2 days before the storm hit that an evacuation was necessary.
The Governor of Louisiana was asked by President Bush before the storm hit, to call for an evacuation.
The city and State officials asked that if people couldn't leave the city, they try to get to the Superdome. But no food or water was delivered there beforehand.
The Louisiana National Guard is under the command of the Governor. But they were not put in place until AFTER the chaos ensued.
From day 1, the news media was showing the horrific scenes from the Superdome and the Convention Center. Scenes of violence, deprivation and destruction. But, unbelievably, the Feds had no idea that people were even at the Convention Center.
How is it that Fox News was able to get reporters to the crowded overpasses, but FEMA couldn't get a water truck there?
Finally, I don't believe for a minute that the skin color of the victims had anything to do with the inadequate responses to Katrina. It had everything to do with the incompetence of those in charge.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Liberals LOVE tax increases!
Yesterday, Ms Diane Sawyer asked the President, "And I said, 'will you call for tax increases, in fact, if that's required?'" She was discussing Hurricane Katrina.
Why does the media beg and plead for tax increases?
I would suggest that one of the best ways to help out in this case would be to LOWER taxes-in particular the onerous taxes on Gasoline. That would amount to an immediate 30-50 cent decrease/gallon in prices, which would benefit not only the people who are fortunate enough to own a car, but also the people who have to buy groceries that are trucked in AND the relief agencies that are trucking down supplies now.
Why does the media beg and plead for tax increases?
I would suggest that one of the best ways to help out in this case would be to LOWER taxes-in particular the onerous taxes on Gasoline. That would amount to an immediate 30-50 cent decrease/gallon in prices, which would benefit not only the people who are fortunate enough to own a car, but also the people who have to buy groceries that are trucked in AND the relief agencies that are trucking down supplies now.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Liberal Bias in the Media (yet again)
During Mr Miles O'Brien's grilling of Gov. Barbour on this mornings "American Morning", Mr O'Brien repeatedly tried to get the Governor to lambast the Bush administration. Mr O'Brien repeatedly asserted that Katrina was a Cat 5 storm when it hit Florida and that the government should have been prepaired for the extreme magnitude of destruction in the Gulf coast.
Unfortunately for Mr O'Brien, his own network proves that it was indeed a Cat 1 storm as stated by the Governor.
I'm sure it was just a mistake. Not evidence of journalistic Bias. So an apology is soon to come...I'm sure.
Unfortunately for Mr O'Brien, his own network proves that it was indeed a Cat 1 storm as stated by the Governor.
I'm sure it was just a mistake. Not evidence of journalistic Bias. So an apology is soon to come...I'm sure.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Robert F Kennedy, Jr, going off the deep end!
The dead are still floating down Bourbon Street, but the wacko left are already out in force blaming conservatives for the tragedy.
RFK, Jr, didn't even wait for the water to level off before he started on his leftist rant. Based on his diatribe, I guess that if President Bush had only just signed the Kyoto treaty, then Katrina would have not happened.
RFK, Jr, didn't even wait for the water to level off before he started on his leftist rant. Based on his diatribe, I guess that if President Bush had only just signed the Kyoto treaty, then Katrina would have not happened.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Why would someone do this?
During the devastation and destruction of Hurricane Katrina, people found the time to STEAL other people's property!
Click here to see an example.
Click here to see an example.
Friday, July 15, 2005
Private Property at risk
I hope that you are just as outraged by the recent US Supreme Court case, Kelo v. City of New London, as I am. The slim majority in this case ruled that local governments may force United States citizens to sell their private property to make way for private economic development when local officials decide it would benefit the public, even if that property is not run down and the new project's success is not guaranteed.
The right to private property ownership is a founding principle for this country. This right was thought by the founding fathers to be integral to the rights of life and liberty. Property ownership is not merely the right to buy and sell objects, but an underlying belief that guides the actions of men and their governments. President John Adams said, “the moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”
It is that self-determination that separates us from despotic regimes around the world. We shouldn’t have to live with the fear that some county commissioner can come knocking on my door and tell me that I have to move so they can build a strip mall! The court said that they had to give fair compensation for the property seizure. Well, who do you think will be the ones to decide what is “fair”? The thieves themselves!
What is to stop a local official from seizing my property so his cousin can build a condo? President Gerald Ford is quoted as saying that “a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” His words seem more prophetic than ever.
The philosopher John Locke said that “the great and chief end, therefore, of men’s uniting into commonwealths, and putting themselves under government, is the preservation of their property.” In the spirit of this idea, I am asking that you jump to the forefront on this issue and draft legislation limiting the taking of private property. Require that local governments PROVE, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the “public good” is greatly enhanced by that taking of private property. Require that the property be blighted, or a public hazard, or that the property is a danger to others. Require detailed business plans with 5, 10 or 20 year outlooks. And allow the owner of the property a guaranteed right to appeal the seizure to a higher, impartial authority.
The right to private property ownership is a founding principle for this country. This right was thought by the founding fathers to be integral to the rights of life and liberty. Property ownership is not merely the right to buy and sell objects, but an underlying belief that guides the actions of men and their governments. President John Adams said, “the moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”
It is that self-determination that separates us from despotic regimes around the world. We shouldn’t have to live with the fear that some county commissioner can come knocking on my door and tell me that I have to move so they can build a strip mall! The court said that they had to give fair compensation for the property seizure. Well, who do you think will be the ones to decide what is “fair”? The thieves themselves!
What is to stop a local official from seizing my property so his cousin can build a condo? President Gerald Ford is quoted as saying that “a government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” His words seem more prophetic than ever.
The philosopher John Locke said that “the great and chief end, therefore, of men’s uniting into commonwealths, and putting themselves under government, is the preservation of their property.” In the spirit of this idea, I am asking that you jump to the forefront on this issue and draft legislation limiting the taking of private property. Require that local governments PROVE, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the “public good” is greatly enhanced by that taking of private property. Require that the property be blighted, or a public hazard, or that the property is a danger to others. Require detailed business plans with 5, 10 or 20 year outlooks. And allow the owner of the property a guaranteed right to appeal the seizure to a higher, impartial authority.
American Soldier
The leftist mainstream media in this country continues to broadcast the "evil" abuses of our American Soldiers. Allegations of prisoner abuse and even worse abound.
Here's a story, however, that exlemplifies the ideals of America and our young men and women fighting abroad.
Army Pfc. Stephen Tschiderer was shot by an Iraqi gunman, but was able to get back up and eventually apprehend the sniper. After the Iraqi was captured, Pfc. Tschiderer, who is also a medic, gave needed medical aid to the very man who just moments ago had tried to kill him. God bless America.
Here's a story, however, that exlemplifies the ideals of America and our young men and women fighting abroad.
Army Pfc. Stephen Tschiderer was shot by an Iraqi gunman, but was able to get back up and eventually apprehend the sniper. After the Iraqi was captured, Pfc. Tschiderer, who is also a medic, gave needed medical aid to the very man who just moments ago had tried to kill him. God bless America.
Monday, May 30, 2005
Australian Breakthru in Adult Stem cells
Here’s yet another reason to abandon Embryonic Stem Cell research. Over 2 months ago, scientists at Griffith University in Australia announced an amazing breakthrough. They have shown that you can harvest stem cells from the nose of an adult and turn them into heart cells, brain cells, neurons, liver cells and muscle cells.
One argument for embryonic stem cell research is that they are more pluripotent (that is they can be coaxed into changing forms into different types of cells) while adult stem cells are not as malleable. Well, this proves that wrong!
Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells grow in a more controlled fashion and are less likely to form tumors. Also, since they can be harvested from your own nose, there is no risk of rejection, thus eliminating the need for immunosuppressive drugs.
One argument for embryonic stem cell research is that they are more pluripotent (that is they can be coaxed into changing forms into different types of cells) while adult stem cells are not as malleable. Well, this proves that wrong!
Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells grow in a more controlled fashion and are less likely to form tumors. Also, since they can be harvested from your own nose, there is no risk of rejection, thus eliminating the need for immunosuppressive drugs.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
European Union voting rules
According the the website FT.com, published on May 25, 2005, the President of the European Union, Jean-Claude Juncker, has stated that if France and the Netherlands vote to reject the EU treaty in the next several days, the governments of those countries should just keep repeating the referendum until they get the "right answer."
To quote this socialist whiner, " The countries which have said No will have to ask themselves the question again."
I guess ,after seeing the Republican party in the USA fold like a wet rag doll after the Democrats kept up their "threat of filibuster", President Juncker has been emboldened.
To quote this socialist whiner, " The countries which have said No will have to ask themselves the question again."
I guess ,after seeing the Republican party in the USA fold like a wet rag doll after the Democrats kept up their "threat of filibuster", President Juncker has been emboldened.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Fuzzy white bugs- score one for Google!
We've got a tulip poplar tree in our back yard that is overrun with little, white, fuzzy bugs. I had no clue what they were, so I googled the term "fuzzy white bugs" and within 5 minutes I found out what they were and how to kill them! The internet is an awesome thing!!!
Monday, March 28, 2005
Yet another blow to embryonic stem cell research
Scientist have discovered that stem cells taken from hair follicles can develop into mature astocytes and oligodendrocytes (nerve tissue) as well as skin cells, muscle and melanocytes.
No need to harvest cells from embryos, thus destroying them.
No need to harvest cells from embryos, thus destroying them.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Another blow to embryonic stem cell research
Once again, researchers have shown that it's completely unnecessary to harvest stem cells from embryos. In Australia, scientists have grown adult stem cells from tissue harvested from the human nose. Nothing is destroyed in the process.
When will the debate be over?
When will the debate be over?
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Socialism, Pt 4
According to the AP wire, a patient in Canada's glorious health care system had to wait 3 months for an electrocardiogram (EKG). That's a 3 month wait for a 90 second test.
The average wait to get in to see a specialist or surgeon was 18 weeks.
Another patient became addicted to narcotics because he had to wait a YEAR to have hip replacement.
While Canada's system may promise coverage for everyone, actually getting the help they need seems to be an entirely different reality.
The average wait to get in to see a specialist or surgeon was 18 weeks.
Another patient became addicted to narcotics because he had to wait a YEAR to have hip replacement.
While Canada's system may promise coverage for everyone, actually getting the help they need seems to be an entirely different reality.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Global Test for the US Constitution
Congressmen Harold Ford, Jr, from Memphis, TN, was on "Imus in the morning" on 3/2/05, praising the supreme court decision to ban capital punishment for criminals who commit their crimes at age 16 or 17. He apparently said (to paraphrase)that since the "rest of the world" has banned it, it was "about time" the US did the same.
While I personally think that someone at age 16 who commits a heinous crime like premeditated murder should be eligible for the Death Penalty, the fact that the rest of the world doesn't do it is NOT a justification to change our laws.
I hate to quote my mother, but "If everyone else jumped off the bridge, would you do it, too?"
So I suppose Mr Ford will ask the "rest of the world" for their opinions on all legislation in the United States. Why not just turn over sovereignty to the United Nations. They are doing such a good job in the Congo.
While I personally think that someone at age 16 who commits a heinous crime like premeditated murder should be eligible for the Death Penalty, the fact that the rest of the world doesn't do it is NOT a justification to change our laws.
I hate to quote my mother, but "If everyone else jumped off the bridge, would you do it, too?"
So I suppose Mr Ford will ask the "rest of the world" for their opinions on all legislation in the United States. Why not just turn over sovereignty to the United Nations. They are doing such a good job in the Congo.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Oh, the joys of European socialism
Once again, we have proof that socialism is a miserable failure. The latest unemployment figures from Germany are out, and they don't look very good.
I guess they just need to raise taxes on the 87% of Germans who are slaving away at their 35 hour/week jobs so the remaining 13% can continue their pensions.
Or maybe they could open up their economy to more competition, allowing free markets to bring in more opportunities. But that might bring their unemployment down to our horrifying, disastrous level of 5.2%. Oh the humanity!!!
I guess they just need to raise taxes on the 87% of Germans who are slaving away at their 35 hour/week jobs so the remaining 13% can continue their pensions.
Or maybe they could open up their economy to more competition, allowing free markets to bring in more opportunities. But that might bring their unemployment down to our horrifying, disastrous level of 5.2%. Oh the humanity!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Another weakness of Socialized Medicine
An official survey of the British National Health Service (their form of socialized medicine) showed that 42% of newly diagnosed cancer patients wait longer than 2 weeks to see a specialist. And, shockingly, a full 20% had to wait longer than a month.
In my town, I can get a patient with cancer in to see an oncologist in 2-3 days.
I guess the benefit of socialized medicine is that the sickest patients die before they use up any resources.
In my town, I can get a patient with cancer in to see an oncologist in 2-3 days.
I guess the benefit of socialized medicine is that the sickest patients die before they use up any resources.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Global Warming, Huh?
Progressive scientists are up in arms about the impending doom brought forth by global warming. In fact, according to the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, the warmest years on record are #1-1998, #2-2002, #3-2003, #4-2004.
Humm. Looks to me like we have proof here of global COOLING, not warming. If 1998 was hotter than 2002, which was hotter than 2003 which was hotter than 2004, the next logical assumption is that 2005 will be the coolest year in 8 years!!!
Humm. Looks to me like we have proof here of global COOLING, not warming. If 1998 was hotter than 2002, which was hotter than 2003 which was hotter than 2004, the next logical assumption is that 2005 will be the coolest year in 8 years!!!
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Routine testing for HIV
According to the New England Journal of Medicine, every American should be routinely tested for HIV. They found that it would be "cost effective" to test every person either yearly, or every 3 to 5 years. Wouldn't it be more cost effective for these so called experts to emphasize that ABSTINENCE and MONOGAMY once married are the only ways to prevent AIDS?
I'll never understand why "health experts" insist on condom education over abstinence. Condoms FAIL TO PREVENT PREGNANCY about 13% of the time. An AIDS virus is MUCH smaller than a sperm cell. Condoms don't work.
I'll never understand why "health experts" insist on condom education over abstinence. Condoms FAIL TO PREVENT PREGNANCY about 13% of the time. An AIDS virus is MUCH smaller than a sperm cell. Condoms don't work.
Monday, February 07, 2005
Congrats to New England
New England is now 3 for 3!!!
First, the Red Sox win the World Series.
Second, John Kerry loses the election.
Third, the Patriots are Superbowl Champs!!!
Way to go!!!
First, the Red Sox win the World Series.
Second, John Kerry loses the election.
Third, the Patriots are Superbowl Champs!!!
Way to go!!!
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Awesome story
I just heard, this am on fox news, about a young female soldier who was hit by an RPG while on top of an Iraqi police station, severing her left arm at the shoulder. She was married-some of her platoon guys went back up to the station, under fire, and found what was left of her arm (buried under 2 feet of sand and trash) to retrieve her wedding band. Our boys and girls over there are AWESOME!
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Ohio supreme court justice DUI
Alice Resnick, supreme court justice for the state of Ohio, was pulled over for driving while intoxicated the other day. She registered 0.216 on the street side breatholizer. She was then taken to the station, where she REFUSED to take the official breatholizer, thus losing her driver's license for 1 year.
Just losing her license ain't enough, people! She should be impeached, and disbarred for life! What an outrage!
Just losing her license ain't enough, people! She should be impeached, and disbarred for life! What an outrage!
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