Anyone else out there concerned about the sudden disappearance of the honey bees? What am I talking about?
In addition to making that honey that Winnie-the-Pooh loves so much, a significant source of our food comes from the pollination provided by those little stingers. A problem known as Colony Collapse Disorder seems to be causing the bee population to die off. It seems to have begun in the Eastern United States, but seems to be spreading to Europe as well.
The Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium (that's a mouthful, I know) has some interesting, but technical information on this problem.
The cause, who knows. Some people blame cell phones. Others say parasites or pathogens. And I'm sure a significant portion of people out there blame Karl Rove & Dubya.
What ever the cause, the impact of this could be HUGE!
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