Friday, August 10, 2007

Global Warming Mania

Why are so many people in our society so convinced that global warming is the end of the world? Why do they just scream and holler when they are confronted with evidence against man-made warming? They'd rather insult you and your mother than actually debate you on facts. It's fairly typical of the liberal left..."If you don't agree with me, then you are a big, mean dummy!!!"

On July 26th, 2007, Fox ran an article about Nevada having record high temperatures. They even quoted a Stephen Rowland, Professor of Geology at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is reported as saying, "the scientific evidence of global warming is incontrovertible, and Nevada is feeling the heat more intensely than most of the rest of the U.S." However, a quick check of the NOAA website shows quite clearly that the average high temperatures were higher in the 1940's than they have been since then. Does that mean that Man was emitting more carbon 60 years ago than she is today? And, just as a side note, the population of Clark County Nevada was about 100 times less back then than it is now.

Also, you may have heard that 1998 was the warmest year on record. Probably the warmist year in 1 million years!!! Well, folks, that was wrong. While the media blasted that info over the airwaves, they don't seem to be giving the correction much air time. It seems that NASA miscalculated their numbers a while back. Actually, 1998 was the SECOND warmest ever. In reality, the warmest year on record was 1934. Wasn't that just a bit before the SUV's were taking over the universe? And the third warmest year must have been after 1998,right? Wrong. Try 1921. In fact, 5 of the 10 warmest years on record now all occur before the Second World War.

And, while I admit that this does not disprove global warming, it sure is a blow to all the global warming alarminsts out there.

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