Not content with just controlling when and where you can smoke a cancer stick, talk on your cell phone, or what your kids can bring to school for lunch, Big Brother is now attempting to set the temperature in your house!
The State of California wants to be able to remotely controll the thermostats in new housing and "substantially modified" buildings and homes. That way, when THEY feel that you should be using less energy to heat or cool your domicile, THEY can just do it. At will. Apparently, customers can override the beurocratic setting, but in cases of "Emergencies" the government will override you. And guess who will get to define what an emergency is???
What the crap?
If I want to keep my house a cool 68 degrees during the summer, I should be able to do so. But I'll pay for it with a higher utility bill. If you really want to controll how much electricity we use, raise the price and usage will eventually go down. Did the morons who wrote this policy skip general Economics 101?
This country was founded on the ideas of individual rights and private property ownership. Day after day, our government is chipping away at these principles. It's like boiling a frog. By slowly turning up the heat, the frog doesn't realize he's about to die until it's too late. Right now, the temperature is pretty warm. Will we realize the danger we are in before we meet the frog's fate???
1 comment:
Having solved all the problems of the world, Sen. Arlen Spector (RINO, PA) has decided to interfere in the NFL's disciplinary action regarding a coach. I have to wonder if his desire is for "truth" or for "the spotlight." Another example, in my opinion, of the government sticking their noses where they don't belong. Spector managed to get his face all over the television reports through Super Bowl weekend and perhaps even impact the outcome of the game. I just wish these guys would stick to matters that are their business and leave people alone.
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