Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This Messiah's Not Quite Omniscient

John McCain is in the news for stumbling over a seemingly simple question. In an effort to show how out of touch McCain is, a lefty reporter asked the Senator, whose wife is a rich heiress to a beer distribution fortune, how many homes he owned. He didn't know, "I think - I’ll have my staff get to you". In true liberal fashion, this gaffe has been constantly played by the drive-by media.

The media's anointed Messiah, the most-holy Barak Obama would never make a gaffe, would he? Besides, who cares if the man who would be America's savior knows how many states America has? Sure, he was tired (gasp-he's not Omnipotent, either) and the number was a slip of the tongue. But to say "57 states, I think one left to go, one left to go, Alaska and Hawaii..."? That's an awful strange math. I guess Alaska and Hawaii are the same state, which gives us a total of 58 states in the Peoples States of America.

I don't know about you, but I want my president to be highly successful in his life, personally, financially and professionally. I don't want a president who knows how much a gallon of milk costs. If he's busy doing his own grocery shopping, he's not spending enough time doing his job. I want him to know what the bad guys are doing.

Addendum: Somehow, he made a mistake again last night. He told the DNC convention attendees that he was with a family in "St. Louis." Fortunately for him, his daughter corrected him-he was in Kansas City. Will this mistake play on an endless loop? Don't hold your breath.

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