People are criticising Sarah Palin for "parading her pregnant daughter" on the stage last night at the Republican National Convention. What else was she supposed to do? If her daughter hadn't come up on stage, the elite media would all be saying this morning, "see, she's ASHAMED of her daughter!" Besides, we all know what Barak Obama would do if, God forbid, one of his daughters were to become pregnant, in his own words: "I don't want them punished with a baby!"
During hurricane Katrina, people (myself included) complained that the local government didn't do enough to evacuate the poor. Now,this time around, people are complaining that people were evacuated in time. Can't win for losing.
A big topic this election cycle is health insurance. If only we had universal health insurance, people would be better off. However, what people don't seem to recognize is that having insurance does not equal access to medical care. We're going to need thousands more primary care physicians if we are to actually treat all these people; that isn't going to happen if primary care income keeps going down, while the debt for medical school alone (not counting any debt needed to start a medical practice) is over $150,000. When I left school, at the age of 26, I had loan payments of over $1500 per month just for school debt.
Barak Obama has years of experience in the Legislative branch of government. John McCain and Joe Biden have decades of experience in the Legislative branch. Sarah Palin may be "greener" than even Obama, but she has 8 years of executive experience (both as mayor and Governor). Unfortunately, the president is an executive job, not a legislative one.
Gas in my town is all the way down to $3.39 per gallon, and I actually got excited about that!
If the environmental wackos really want to win over people, they need to stop whining about the "sick Earth". Hit people where it hurts, their pocket books. I want to drive a car with better gas mileage, not from some misguided belief that I will save the planet, but because gas is too fricken expensive. I actually have a couple of those toxic, mercury laden light bulbs in fixtures that we tend to leave on quite a bit. Again, not because Gaia told me to, but because they use less electricity, thus costing less! Plus, I'm trying to get my kid to pee in the back yard more, just so I don't have to spend the money on water and sewage (fyi, my wife's not too happy about this one!).
A man has been arrested for trying to bomb the Republican National Convention with Molotov cocktails. Maybe I missed it. Were any non-democrats arrested for behavior that could potentially kill others during the Democrat's convention? Why such a violent hatred from such supposedly more tolerant people?
Who would John Galt vote for? For certain, I can say he wouldn't vote for Obama/Biden. That combo guarantees greater governmental intrusion into our public lives. The Libertarian party nominee is really just seems to me to be a disgruntled Republican, so no vote there, either. The Green party wants us to live like it was 1875, so no vote there, either. The Constitutional party really seems closest to what the libertarian-leaning protagonist would like, but I don't know enough about their candidate, yet. I doubt he'd like McCain, either, with his McCain-Feingold bill as one of his greatest accomplishments.
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