Monday, October 06, 2008

Oil and Gas Don't Mix

Why in the world is the price of gasoline not coming down faster? The second that oil prices go up, every gas station in town raises their prices. This, despite the fact that the gas in their tanks was paid for weeks or months ago.

Now that oil prices are plummeting, gas has just barely dropped. Today, oil closed at below $88/barrel. That's down from a high of over $147/barrel back in July. Gas was close to 4 bucks a gallon then. Now, gas is $3.45/gallon in my town.

If gas "must" go up to cover the increasing cost of oil, it seems to me that it "must" go down, as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've been wondering this, too, so i called that guy nancy used to run around with - the dude who knew where elvis was hiding. he said "the magic gas pricing system" - stored under a mountain in New Mexico - works on an inverse flux scholastic GPA logarithm, so, unlike your average four-point-0, it raises like a red rocket and nosedives like a salt covered slug.