Sunday, November 16, 2008

Global Warming Alarmists caught in a lie

"October 2008 was the hottest October on record!", reported NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). Al Gore puffed up in pride, I'm sure, knowing that his prophecies were being fulfilled.

Except for 1 small detail. The assertion that October was the warmest is false. And GISS now has to admit it. When GISS was compiling it's data on it's quest to prove man-made global warming, they made a small boo-boo. For the month of October, they "accidentally" used temperature readings from the month of September; which, surprise, surprise, is a warmer month than October, at least most of the time!.

They were caught by some bloggers, who had combed thru the publicly accessible data. Now I'm sure the bloggers have their own agenda, as well, but this is still yet another stake in the heart of the man-made global warming canard.

While GISS didn't say this, I'm sure AlGore and his cronies are working hard at keeping this temperature data top-secret, G-27 classified from now on.

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