For the second time, Democrats are gleeful that our country's situation is going down the toilet. First, Rahm Emanuel jokingly stated that Democrats should "Never let a serious crisis go to waste" (Nov 2008)
Now, Mrs Clinton has jumped on the "celebrate the destruction of America" bandwagon. She was speaking to the European Parliament yesterday and told the crown of gathered socialists, "Never waste a good crisis" when describing the current economic state.
I pray that the hard working people in this country wake up and see these disgusting Looters for the scumbags that they really are. The Producers in our society must rise up and demand change from the Looters in DC. Without us, the Moochers would have no welfare, unemployment, medicaid, etc. I pray that the Moochers realize that the governmental Looters to not really care about them; Looters only care about the power they get from taking what doesn't belong to them and giving it to others.
A majority of Americans voted for "Change" this past election. Well, people, be careful what you wish for.
Atlas may be shrugging soon.
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