It's hosted by Adam Curry and John Dvorak, AKA "Crack Pot" and "Buzz Kill". They are on twice a week, Thursdays and Sundays, and spend most of 2.5 hours breaking down the news into it's quantum level. They frequently point out the conspiracy theories behind almost everything that the main stream media or the government wants you to be brainwashed into believing.
The hosts have incredible chemistry, with rapid repartee often leading to tangential topics that eventually lead back to the stories they are covering.
I find their show quite refreshing. I would label them both as classical libertarians. By libertarians, I am most definitely NOT referring to the wacky political party that has hijacked the name "libertarian". What I mean is that they don't trust Big Government or Big Business. They just want people to be left alone. They'll trash Presidents Obama and Bush in the same show, pointing out the hypocrisy that exists in our modern times. Back in the "good old days", they would probably fall under the term "classical liberalism". However, the term "liberalism" has also been hijacked by douch bags.
They have no commercials, and their only sponsors are their listeners, who voluntarily send the show money in support of their cause. Any amount is acceptable, from $5 on up. They aren't yet taking BitCoins, but just give them time.
Anyway, give them a try. Listen to 4 episodes of the show before you make up your mind.
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