This song by Tim McGraw tears me up every time I hear it. John 15:13 quotes Jesus Christ in saying, "Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends." And in this case, his enemies.
"Charity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery." Terry Goodkind, The Pillars of Creation
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Global Warming Consensus
Al Gore would have us all believe that Global Warming is sound science. It's not. I've said it before and I'll say it again, science is NOT decided by consensus. Consensus is how you decide what schools need to be repaired, or where a new road should be built.
Now, over 400 scientists from around the world have come to their own consensus-that global warming is far from completely settled and that fear mongering by the left is driving this with a definite agenda.
In the way that liberals do best, they try to vilify anyone who doesn't agree with them. Al Gore called global warming skeptics members of "the flat earth society". He impugns their integrity and their research. If progressives can't win an argument with facts, they resort to emotional outbursts. I can just see Mr Gore now: "Play by my rules or I'm gonna tell my mommy on you!"
Now, over 400 scientists from around the world have come to their own consensus-that global warming is far from completely settled and that fear mongering by the left is driving this with a definite agenda.
In the way that liberals do best, they try to vilify anyone who doesn't agree with them. Al Gore called global warming skeptics members of "the flat earth society". He impugns their integrity and their research. If progressives can't win an argument with facts, they resort to emotional outbursts. I can just see Mr Gore now: "Play by my rules or I'm gonna tell my mommy on you!"
Friday, December 07, 2007
What is the Senate doing...
With all the dangers in the world today, for some reason a Senate panel has decided to waste tax payer money by investigating whether or not preachers are making too much money.
They are investigating 6 separate "Christian" ministries. The burning question is, are these specific preachers " complying with IRS rules that bar excessive personal gain through tax-exempt work. "
The ministers in question (Benny Hinn,Joyce Meyer,Eddie Long, Randy & Paula White,and Kenneth and Gloria Copeland) are all advocates of the "Health and Wealth Gospel, or Word of Faith." Personally, I think they are frauds and preach a mutated & warped version of Biblical truth. I will not be upset on the day that they are all thrown in prison for fraud, embezzlement, or whatever else evil they may have performed.
But, what business is it of the Senate? Leave it to the IRS. After all, it was really the IRS, and NOT the senate, that brought down the mobster bosses of the 20's and 30's. If the senate can investigate "preachers", then what is to stop them from investigating other professions? Maybe corporate CEO's that created mutibillion dollar industries "on the backs of the people." Maybe Moguls that "have too much control of the media." Or the movie star who makes $20 million per picture? Or the teacher who makes extra money by staying after school and tutoring struggling students.
Senate, stay out of our checkbooks. You have written enough tax code to rape us on a regular basis. Let the IRS investigate those TV preachers, and instead maybe you should actually work on something that will be good for America (like a constitutional amendment correcting the Kelo v City of New London eminent domain case)
They are investigating 6 separate "Christian" ministries. The burning question is, are these specific preachers " complying with IRS rules that bar excessive personal gain through tax-exempt work. "
The ministers in question (Benny Hinn,Joyce Meyer,Eddie Long, Randy & Paula White,and Kenneth and Gloria Copeland) are all advocates of the "Health and Wealth Gospel, or Word of Faith." Personally, I think they are frauds and preach a mutated & warped version of Biblical truth. I will not be upset on the day that they are all thrown in prison for fraud, embezzlement, or whatever else evil they may have performed.
But, what business is it of the Senate? Leave it to the IRS. After all, it was really the IRS, and NOT the senate, that brought down the mobster bosses of the 20's and 30's. If the senate can investigate "preachers", then what is to stop them from investigating other professions? Maybe corporate CEO's that created mutibillion dollar industries "on the backs of the people." Maybe Moguls that "have too much control of the media." Or the movie star who makes $20 million per picture? Or the teacher who makes extra money by staying after school and tutoring struggling students.
Senate, stay out of our checkbooks. You have written enough tax code to rape us on a regular basis. Let the IRS investigate those TV preachers, and instead maybe you should actually work on something that will be good for America (like a constitutional amendment correcting the Kelo v City of New London eminent domain case)
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Middle "Rich" Class
The democrat candidates for president all seem united on one thing: raising taxes on the so called rich. But they don't agree on who's really rich. Some say $500,000 per year. Some $250,000. Some are saying $150,000.
However, in one of the Meccas of socialism, Denmark, the rich apparently make a whopping 360,000 Danish kroner, which sounds like a lot until you convert it. That's roughly only $70,000/year. At what tax rate do those greedy,filthy rich pay? A ginormous 63%!
So listen up, America. When your favorite leftist politician says he or she will only raise taxes on the "rich", you'd better understand that to mean "middle class".
However, in one of the Meccas of socialism, Denmark, the rich apparently make a whopping 360,000 Danish kroner, which sounds like a lot until you convert it. That's roughly only $70,000/year. At what tax rate do those greedy,filthy rich pay? A ginormous 63%!
So listen up, America. When your favorite leftist politician says he or she will only raise taxes on the "rich", you'd better understand that to mean "middle class".
Monday, November 26, 2007
The wonderful British Health Service
Whenever liberals talk about health care reform, they almost always talk about 2 Utopian societies: Canada and Great Britain.
Well, apparently the British Health Service has decided that a 108 year old woman deserves a new hearing aid. BUT, she has to wait 18 months before she will qualify for it. I guess in the grand scheme of things, 18 months is nothing for a woman who has lived thru 1296+ months!!!!!
This really sounds like something to which we as Americans should aspire.
As reported in The Guardian, July 30th, 2007.
Well, apparently the British Health Service has decided that a 108 year old woman deserves a new hearing aid. BUT, she has to wait 18 months before she will qualify for it. I guess in the grand scheme of things, 18 months is nothing for a woman who has lived thru 1296+ months!!!!!
This really sounds like something to which we as Americans should aspire.
As reported in The Guardian, July 30th, 2007.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Another thing that gets on my nerves...

Another concept that really gets on my nerves is the current trend of replacing the terms "A.D." and "B.C" with "CE" and "BCE". AD stands for "anno domini" and BC for "before Christ." CE is "common era" and BCE is "before common era."
The progressive establishment doesn't like the idea that Jesus Christ is used to determine which year it is, so they hope that by replacing the old terminology with more politically correct versions, people won't be offended by the mere thought of His name.
But they forget one thing. The change from BCE to CE still takes place at the same time as the change from BC to AD. Therefore, Jesus Christ is still the reference point! Yes, it's true that we don't really know what year Christ was born, but that doesn't change the fact that 2007 AD is 2007 AD. If they really want to wipe out the memory of Christ, they should pick another historic reference point, and make that the changing point. Like maybe the birth of a non-religious, progressive idol; such as Mao, Stalin, Pot or Hitler.
(The image is Raphael's "The Granduca Madonna", painted in 1505)
Renewable sources of energy...
If you've ever read any of my rants, you know I am not a tree-hugger. But I really like the idea of curtailing our oil addiction. I have no problem at all with the idea of "renewable" sources of energy.
But the term "renewable" gets on my nerves. There is NOTHING renewable about solar or wind energy. We cannot do a danged thing to renew sunlight or the wind. Ethanol is renewable. We can replant corn or switch grass or whatever, year after year. We can't affect by one little bit the fusion taking place on the sun.
They used to call non-petroleum sources of fuel "alternative energy." I don't know why that term became politically incorrect. But in my mind, it's a much better choice of words.
But the term "renewable" gets on my nerves. There is NOTHING renewable about solar or wind energy. We cannot do a danged thing to renew sunlight or the wind. Ethanol is renewable. We can replant corn or switch grass or whatever, year after year. We can't affect by one little bit the fusion taking place on the sun.
They used to call non-petroleum sources of fuel "alternative energy." I don't know why that term became politically incorrect. But in my mind, it's a much better choice of words.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Do you speak Yankee or Dixie
This is a great quiz to take. It's worth the 5 or so minutes it takes to complete.
Click here, y'all!
Click here, y'all!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The ultimate Progressive song...

"The Trees"
Words by Neil Peart, music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson
There is unrest in the forest
There is trouble with the trees
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas
The trouble with the maples
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade
There is trouble in the forest
And the creatures all have fled
As the maples scream 'Oppression!'
And the oaks just shake their heads
So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights
'The oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light'
Now there's no more oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe and saw
Good news for Fatty's like me...
According to the holy temple of secular humanism (ie, the government) being fat ain't so bad. A study by the CDC and the National Cancer Institute found that people who are overweight DO NOT DIE at greater rates than skinny people. In fact, being overweight (BMI of 25-30) actually causes 138,281 fewer deaths! Only for the obese (BMI >35) did the rate of death increase; even then ,only in the rates of death from heart disease and cancer increased. All other causes of death were stable or decreased in that group.
The authors of this study, Katherine Flegal, found that 95,422 deaths were attributable to severe obesity. BUT, she also found that 46,398 deaths were attributable to people who were TOO THIN!!!!! That's just under half the deaths compared to the gravimetrically gifted!!
Why wasn't this front page, breaking news? Because it's against the media's agenda. And because no one has yet figured out who to sue for skinny people.
The authors of this study, Katherine Flegal, found that 95,422 deaths were attributable to severe obesity. BUT, she also found that 46,398 deaths were attributable to people who were TOO THIN!!!!! That's just under half the deaths compared to the gravimetrically gifted!!
Why wasn't this front page, breaking news? Because it's against the media's agenda. And because no one has yet figured out who to sue for skinny people.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Slippery Slope
We are travelling down a very dangerous road with a very slippery slope, now, when it comes to the very ideas on which this country was founded. One of the things that separates this country from the rest of the world is our security in the notion that we cannot be forced to do something we find to be against our conscience. I remember a saying I heard growing up, "this is a free country, ain't it?".
That may be changing. There is a growing trend in this country to force people to do certain things "for the public good." The latest controversy involves the medical use of estrogen and progesterone. The "morning after" pills in question are high dose hormone pills that keep a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. If this newly fertilized egg( called a blastocyst) cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, it will not be able to further divide and ultimately become a viable pregnancy.
Many people, rightly or wrongly, find this to be tantamount to abortion. In Washington state, a law was passed to FORCE pharmacists to dispense this medication to women, regardless of their personal moral beliefs.
Those who wish to force the issue are concerned that, if pharmacists can refuse to deal with "morning after" pills, what's to stop them from refusing other medication, like birth control in general or Viagra to single men?
This is the slippery slope I'm concerned about. Personally, I believe that an independent,private individual MUST have the right to refuse to perform an action they hold to be morally objectionable. If he (or she) can be forced to do this one, small thing, I'm afraid the government will snowball this. What else can the government force us to do, in the name of the "public good?"
In my state of Tennessee, they passed a law making it illegal to smoke in public buildings. On the surface of it, I love this law. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. I've heard people say on the radio here that that's as far as the ban can possibly go. "They" could never come into our homes to ban smoking. Well, in California, it's now illegal in many places to smoke in your own apartment. In New Jersey, they are proposing making it illegal to smoke in your car. Again, I like the concept of this law, especially when it comes to small children.
But where will these laws end? What else will the bureaucrats in Washington, or Nashville, or Sacramento, or Trenton, be able to make us do???????
That may be changing. There is a growing trend in this country to force people to do certain things "for the public good." The latest controversy involves the medical use of estrogen and progesterone. The "morning after" pills in question are high dose hormone pills that keep a fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. If this newly fertilized egg( called a blastocyst) cannot attach to the wall of the uterus, it will not be able to further divide and ultimately become a viable pregnancy.
Many people, rightly or wrongly, find this to be tantamount to abortion. In Washington state, a law was passed to FORCE pharmacists to dispense this medication to women, regardless of their personal moral beliefs.
Those who wish to force the issue are concerned that, if pharmacists can refuse to deal with "morning after" pills, what's to stop them from refusing other medication, like birth control in general or Viagra to single men?
This is the slippery slope I'm concerned about. Personally, I believe that an independent,private individual MUST have the right to refuse to perform an action they hold to be morally objectionable. If he (or she) can be forced to do this one, small thing, I'm afraid the government will snowball this. What else can the government force us to do, in the name of the "public good?"
In my state of Tennessee, they passed a law making it illegal to smoke in public buildings. On the surface of it, I love this law. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. I've heard people say on the radio here that that's as far as the ban can possibly go. "They" could never come into our homes to ban smoking. Well, in California, it's now illegal in many places to smoke in your own apartment. In New Jersey, they are proposing making it illegal to smoke in your car. Again, I like the concept of this law, especially when it comes to small children.
But where will these laws end? What else will the bureaucrats in Washington, or Nashville, or Sacramento, or Trenton, be able to make us do???????
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Real American Hero
No matter what you think of him, you've got to admit that John McCain is a real American hero!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
2007 the worst hurricane season ever...
At least it was the worst season ever for the Global Warming ideologues. For the second year in a row, the Chicken Littles of the world were wrong in their forecasts. This year was going to be one of the worst hurricane seasons ever. Global warming was churning up the seas of destruction. Whole coastal cities would be wiped of the map. But it didn't happen.
Apparently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) can't accurately predict the weather just a few weeks or months away. So why does Al Gore think they can predict 100 years from now????
Apparently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) can't accurately predict the weather just a few weeks or months away. So why does Al Gore think they can predict 100 years from now????
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Atlas Shrugged
I'm currently reading the novel Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I'm only about 1/4 of the way thru it right now (it's 1000+ pages), but I can't help but be impressed by Ms Rand's prognostic ability. For those of you who have never heard of the book, I will begin with a very brief, and probably very bad, summary of the book.
It's about a world in which "moochers" and "looters" rule over everybody with an iron fist. Private property is routinely taken by the government in the name of public good. The productive members of society have had enough, and go on strike, thus bringing the world to it's knees.
It was published back in 1957. This year is the 50th anniversary of the book. What amazes me is how many of Ms Rand's ideas have come true. The socialists of the day are constantly calling themselves and their ideas "progressive." They pass laws making it illegal to be "too successful." They try to regulate the oil industry with taxes and legislation, leading to nation-wide fuel shortages. And they frequently use guilt as a means to destroy the productive. They are advocates of taking from the successful and giving to the needy because the needy are unable to earn for themselves.
Ms Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, has a lot I don't agree with, but the majority of it's precepts seem spot on to me.
It's about a world in which "moochers" and "looters" rule over everybody with an iron fist. Private property is routinely taken by the government in the name of public good. The productive members of society have had enough, and go on strike, thus bringing the world to it's knees.
It was published back in 1957. This year is the 50th anniversary of the book. What amazes me is how many of Ms Rand's ideas have come true. The socialists of the day are constantly calling themselves and their ideas "progressive." They pass laws making it illegal to be "too successful." They try to regulate the oil industry with taxes and legislation, leading to nation-wide fuel shortages. And they frequently use guilt as a means to destroy the productive. They are advocates of taking from the successful and giving to the needy because the needy are unable to earn for themselves.
Ms Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, has a lot I don't agree with, but the majority of it's precepts seem spot on to me.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
R.I.P. Robert Jordan

After struggling with a disease called Amyloidosis, author Robert Jordan (real name James Oliver Rigney, Jr) died on September 16th, 2007. He was (and still is) one of my favorite writers. I loved his Wheel of Time series. The series was about a young man, Rand, who suddenly found himself at the center of the ultimate battle between Good and Evil. Ever the reluctant hero, Rand and his friends grew with each installment, with the penultimate book being the last one Mr Jordan was able to write.
He will be greatly missed. His influence in the world of Fantasy fiction will be felt for generations to come.
(The above picture was found at the website
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Andy McKee
If you like the sound of a guitar, this guy is awesome. I don't know what you call his playing style, but it's incredible to listen to.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Universal Health Care Scam
Whenever I hear people talking about “Universal Health Care (UHC)”, my skin begins to crawl. The repeated canard that the American system is far inferior to the socialist systems of the UK or Canada just falls flat on its face when faced with the facts. UHC doesn’t lead to access to the doctor, it just leads to access to waiting lists.
According to on March 20th, 2005, in Canada, it takes about 3 months to get an electrocardiogram (commonly known as an EKG). Three months. For a test that takes FIVE MINUTES to perform, and even quicker to be interpreted. It takes 3 years to have surgery to correct torn knee ligaments.
In an effort to try to improve waiting times, the Canadian government has come up with some “guidelines” for acceptable waits. To get your knee replaced, you should only have to wait 26 weeks. And if you need cardiac bypass surgery, the most you should wait is, again, only 26 weeks. And these are the government supported wait times. A US citizen would sue their doctor and everyone else in the room if they were told they had to wait 26 days for bypass.
Another common myth about socialized medicine is that it is free. In the same article by, it is revealed that Canadians pay 48% income tax. That means that if you make $40,000.00 a year, you have to pay $19,200.00 in taxes. Thus you only actually get to have $20,800.00 to pay for EVERYTHING you want to buy, including your mortgage. I don’t think people fully comprehend this fact.
Yet another myth is that Emergency Room visits would be decreased if only the USA had universal health care. It is assumed by the media that being uninsured increases the usage of ERs. However, according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, one out of five people in Ontario went to the ER at least once within a twelve month period. That’s 20 percent. And, nearly half of all infants (48%) were seen in the ER during 2003-2004. Of this multitude of visits, over half were for NON-EMERGENT conditions like chronic back pain and sore throats.
According to on March 20th, 2005, in Canada, it takes about 3 months to get an electrocardiogram (commonly known as an EKG). Three months. For a test that takes FIVE MINUTES to perform, and even quicker to be interpreted. It takes 3 years to have surgery to correct torn knee ligaments.
In an effort to try to improve waiting times, the Canadian government has come up with some “guidelines” for acceptable waits. To get your knee replaced, you should only have to wait 26 weeks. And if you need cardiac bypass surgery, the most you should wait is, again, only 26 weeks. And these are the government supported wait times. A US citizen would sue their doctor and everyone else in the room if they were told they had to wait 26 days for bypass.
Another common myth about socialized medicine is that it is free. In the same article by, it is revealed that Canadians pay 48% income tax. That means that if you make $40,000.00 a year, you have to pay $19,200.00 in taxes. Thus you only actually get to have $20,800.00 to pay for EVERYTHING you want to buy, including your mortgage. I don’t think people fully comprehend this fact.
Yet another myth is that Emergency Room visits would be decreased if only the USA had universal health care. It is assumed by the media that being uninsured increases the usage of ERs. However, according to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, one out of five people in Ontario went to the ER at least once within a twelve month period. That’s 20 percent. And, nearly half of all infants (48%) were seen in the ER during 2003-2004. Of this multitude of visits, over half were for NON-EMERGENT conditions like chronic back pain and sore throats.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Another blow to socialized medicine...
While our presidential candidates are all coming up with ways to socialize medicine here in the USA, the "great" Canadian system is showing us why socialized medicine doesn't work. A liberal Canadian politician, Belinda Stronach, had to come to the United States for surgery to treat her breast cancer. I'm thrilled that this lady was able to get the best treatment available. But if the Canadian system is sooo good, why would she need to travel here?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Dave Ramsey is my hero...
Our central heating and air system died yesterday. It was 99 degrees upstairs last night when our son tried to go to sleep. Thanks to years of being brainwashed by Dave Ramsey, we have an emergency fund in the bank. We are getting a new American Standard unit installed today, and it's paid for with cash. What a concept!!
Thanks Dave!!!
Thanks Dave!!!
Friday, September 07, 2007
Nessun Dorma: No one sleeps
In case anyone was wondering about an English translation of Nessun Dorma, the song that won the world over to Paul Potts, here are the words in both Italian and English:
Nessun dorma
Nessun dorma,
nessun dorma ...
Tu pure, o Principessa,
Nella tua fredda stanza,
Guardi le stelle
Che tremano d'amore
E di speranza.
Ma il mio mistero รจ chiuso in me,
Il nome mio nessun saprร , no, no,
Sulla tua bocca,
io lo dirรฒ
Quando la luce
splenderร .
Ed il mio bacio scioglierร il silenzio
Che ti fa mia.
Il nome suo nessun saprร
E noi dovrem, ahimรจ, morir, morir...
Dilegua, notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle!
All'alba vincerรฒ!
Giacomo Puccini
No One Sleeps
English Version of "Nessun Dorma"
No one sleeps!
No one sleeps!
Even you, oh princess,
in your cold room,
look at the stars
that tremble with love
and hope!
But my mystery
it is locked in me.
And my name,
no one will know!
No, no!
On your mouth
I will say it,
when the light
will shine!
And my kiss will break the silence,
that makes you mine!
His name no one will know...
And we shall have, alas, to die, to die...!
Disperse, o night!
Vanish, oh stars!
Vanish, oh stars!
At daybreak, I will win!
I will win!
I will win!
Nessun dorma
Nessun dorma,
nessun dorma ...
Tu pure, o Principessa,
Nella tua fredda stanza,
Guardi le stelle
Che tremano d'amore
E di speranza.
Ma il mio mistero รจ chiuso in me,
Il nome mio nessun saprร , no, no,
Sulla tua bocca,
io lo dirรฒ
Quando la luce
splenderร .
Ed il mio bacio scioglierร il silenzio
Che ti fa mia.
Il nome suo nessun saprร
E noi dovrem, ahimรจ, morir, morir...
Dilegua, notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle!
All'alba vincerรฒ!
Giacomo Puccini
No One Sleeps
English Version of "Nessun Dorma"
No one sleeps!
No one sleeps!
Even you, oh princess,
in your cold room,
look at the stars
that tremble with love
and hope!
But my mystery
it is locked in me.
And my name,
no one will know!
No, no!
On your mouth
I will say it,
when the light
will shine!
And my kiss will break the silence,
that makes you mine!
His name no one will know...
And we shall have, alas, to die, to die...!
Disperse, o night!
Vanish, oh stars!
Vanish, oh stars!
At daybreak, I will win!
I will win!
I will win!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Pavarotti รจ guasto

Pavarotti died today. His family was able to be there with him at the time. God Bless you, Pavarotti!!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Pavarotti is very ill

In light of my recent discovery of Paul Potts, I was saddened to read today about the serious illness of one of the greatest voices in the history of man - Luciano Pavarotti.
He has been ill for some time now, suffering from pancreatic cancer and its complications. Apparently now he is in a coma from kidney failure.
We are only on this planet for a short time, but the world was made a better place by the man known around the world simply by his last name: Pavarotti.
Paul Potts
I can't believe I've just now heard this guy sing. His name is Paul Potts, and he was the winner of 2007's "Britain's Got Talent."
Even if you are not a fan of opera, you will be brought to tears by his amazing voice. This may not be the best version of "Nessun Dorma", but it's up there!
His story is very touching as well. Of course, the world if full of people who hate to see anybody succeed. There are already people out there saying that he isn't genuine. Let those sad, sad critics cry themselves to sleep. You will love this guy!!!
Even if you are not a fan of opera, you will be brought to tears by his amazing voice. This may not be the best version of "Nessun Dorma", but it's up there!
His story is very touching as well. Of course, the world if full of people who hate to see anybody succeed. There are already people out there saying that he isn't genuine. Let those sad, sad critics cry themselves to sleep. You will love this guy!!!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Carbon Offsets
On September 2, 2007, the LA Times ran an interesting article about the effectiveness of (or lack of ) buying carbon offsets. The LA Times is hardly a bastion of right wing extremism.
In short, carbon offsets provide no real offset at all, at least for the next decade. It is a good way, though, for people to get rich off other people's guilt.
In addition, the August 4, 2007, issue of World magazine uses a great term for people's reliance on this concept: "checkbook environmentalism."
Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of getting power from ANYTHING besides mid-east oil. But I don't buy for one minute that my giving some company a couple of hundred bucks in any way will decrease global warming.
In short, carbon offsets provide no real offset at all, at least for the next decade. It is a good way, though, for people to get rich off other people's guilt.
In addition, the August 4, 2007, issue of World magazine uses a great term for people's reliance on this concept: "checkbook environmentalism."
Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of getting power from ANYTHING besides mid-east oil. But I don't buy for one minute that my giving some company a couple of hundred bucks in any way will decrease global warming.
Friday, August 31, 2007
A couple of things in the news today caught my eye.
The first is the resignation of White House press secretary Tony Snow. I like this guy. I admire the way he has faced his cancer. I love the fact that he knows he is a role model for other cancer patients in the world. He is intelligent, funny, and telegenic. However, the reason he gave for leaving office sorta bothers me. He stated that he was leaving because he was "running out of money." I googled the Press Secretary's salary, and it was $161,000.00 back in 2005. I know he lives in the DC area and it's expensive there. But surely 161-K/year is enough money.
Second, the attorney who was involved with the Duke University Lacrosse rape case is dirty. He lied during the trial, and he almost destroyed those innocent boys' lives. He is a scumbag and deserved to get his license revoked. However, today he was sentenced to a whopping 1 day in jail!! One whole day. For being purposefully deceitful. Maybe he'll get to read the same Bible that Michael Vick and Paris Hilton got to use. Come on!!!
The first is the resignation of White House press secretary Tony Snow. I like this guy. I admire the way he has faced his cancer. I love the fact that he knows he is a role model for other cancer patients in the world. He is intelligent, funny, and telegenic. However, the reason he gave for leaving office sorta bothers me. He stated that he was leaving because he was "running out of money." I googled the Press Secretary's salary, and it was $161,000.00 back in 2005. I know he lives in the DC area and it's expensive there. But surely 161-K/year is enough money.
Second, the attorney who was involved with the Duke University Lacrosse rape case is dirty. He lied during the trial, and he almost destroyed those innocent boys' lives. He is a scumbag and deserved to get his license revoked. However, today he was sentenced to a whopping 1 day in jail!! One whole day. For being purposefully deceitful. Maybe he'll get to read the same Bible that Michael Vick and Paris Hilton got to use. Come on!!!
Bad news on the adoption front
We got a call today from our adoption agency (Children's Hope International). They were just calling to touch base with us and see if we needed anything. Unfortunately, they also had some bad news. It looks like it's taking longer and longer for China to process the adoptions. The wait time when we filed our paperwork was 15 months. It's now 21 months, and they anticipate it may get to 30-36 months. Which means that all of our paperwork will expire waaaaay before we get to go to China. We'll have to repeat almost all of it, and of course it'll cost us a couple of grand more.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Dolphins in the news again
A species of dolphin thought previously extinct has been spotten in China. I guess it didn't get the memo about leaving the planet!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
...thanks for all the fish

Scientists are concerned about the dolphin population in the north Atlantic's Bay of Biscay. Apparently, over the past year, the witnessed dolphin population has dropped by 80%.
These scientists are frantic over this dilemma. They think the mammals might be getting accidentally killed by commercial fishermen. Or maybe it's because we are destroying the fish population by overfishing.
However, they seem to be missing the most obvious cause. As diligently reported by Douglas Adams over 20 years ago, they dolphins have simply left the planet.
If you haven't read the "Hitchhiker" books, pick up the entire series and read them now, before it's too late. And don't forget your towel!!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
I knew it would happen.
I knew it would happen. When Google Earth announced it was using satellite imaging to map the entire planet, liberals everywhere shouted for glee. When it was discovered that not only could you see your "house from here", you could count the hairs on your neighbors back, very few people seemed alarmed. Especially that bastion of liberal hope, the ACLU.
But God forbid, when the government decides to use that technology to fight terrorism, the ACLU is back!
The New York Times is reporting today that the ACLU and its ilk are concerned that the agencies using this technology "could not be trusted to supervise themselves." But GOOGLE could???
Now, don't get me wrong. I do NOT like even GOOGLE looking at my house, much less Big Brother. I don't want anyone to have this technology. But it's here none-the-less. Besides, I actually trust that the government won't allow public access to images like this.
But God forbid, when the government decides to use that technology to fight terrorism, the ACLU is back!
The New York Times is reporting today that the ACLU and its ilk are concerned that the agencies using this technology "could not be trusted to supervise themselves." But GOOGLE could???
Now, don't get me wrong. I do NOT like even GOOGLE looking at my house, much less Big Brother. I don't want anyone to have this technology. But it's here none-the-less. Besides, I actually trust that the government won't allow public access to images like this.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Global Warming Mania
Why are so many people in our society so convinced that global warming is the end of the world? Why do they just scream and holler when they are confronted with evidence against man-made warming? They'd rather insult you and your mother than actually debate you on facts. It's fairly typical of the liberal left..."If you don't agree with me, then you are a big, mean dummy!!!"
On July 26th, 2007, Fox ran an article about Nevada having record high temperatures. They even quoted a Stephen Rowland, Professor of Geology at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is reported as saying, "the scientific evidence of global warming is incontrovertible, and Nevada is feeling the heat more intensely than most of the rest of the U.S." However, a quick check of the NOAA website shows quite clearly that the average high temperatures were higher in the 1940's than they have been since then. Does that mean that Man was emitting more carbon 60 years ago than she is today? And, just as a side note, the population of Clark County Nevada was about 100 times less back then than it is now.
Also, you may have heard that 1998 was the warmest year on record. Probably the warmist year in 1 million years!!! Well, folks, that was wrong. While the media blasted that info over the airwaves, they don't seem to be giving the correction much air time. It seems that NASA miscalculated their numbers a while back. Actually, 1998 was the SECOND warmest ever. In reality, the warmest year on record was 1934. Wasn't that just a bit before the SUV's were taking over the universe? And the third warmest year must have been after 1998,right? Wrong. Try 1921. In fact, 5 of the 10 warmest years on record now all occur before the Second World War.
And, while I admit that this does not disprove global warming, it sure is a blow to all the global warming alarminsts out there.
On July 26th, 2007, Fox ran an article about Nevada having record high temperatures. They even quoted a Stephen Rowland, Professor of Geology at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is reported as saying, "the scientific evidence of global warming is incontrovertible, and Nevada is feeling the heat more intensely than most of the rest of the U.S." However, a quick check of the NOAA website shows quite clearly that the average high temperatures were higher in the 1940's than they have been since then. Does that mean that Man was emitting more carbon 60 years ago than she is today? And, just as a side note, the population of Clark County Nevada was about 100 times less back then than it is now.
Also, you may have heard that 1998 was the warmest year on record. Probably the warmist year in 1 million years!!! Well, folks, that was wrong. While the media blasted that info over the airwaves, they don't seem to be giving the correction much air time. It seems that NASA miscalculated their numbers a while back. Actually, 1998 was the SECOND warmest ever. In reality, the warmest year on record was 1934. Wasn't that just a bit before the SUV's were taking over the universe? And the third warmest year must have been after 1998,right? Wrong. Try 1921. In fact, 5 of the 10 warmest years on record now all occur before the Second World War.
And, while I admit that this does not disprove global warming, it sure is a blow to all the global warming alarminsts out there.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Scooter "Pardon"
First of all, Scooter Libby was not pardoned. His sentence was commuted. While Mr Obama and others on the Left may claim this is the type of politics that we much change, it is enshrined in our constitution that the Chief executive can commute sentences, in addition to straight pardons. And lest we forget, the superhero of the left, President Clinton, pardoned plenty of scumbags. See the official Department of Justice website for his list.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Autism & Vaccines
Here we go again. Parents of children with autism are asking judges to decide whether or not vaccines are the cause of autism. Now don't get me wrong. I really feel for these parents. Autism in it's extreme forms can be incredibly difficult to deal with. But study after study after study have NOT found any correlation between thimerosal and autism.
So, much like global warming and the other liberal causes-de-jour, if you can't prove it via science, let the courts decide. After all, a judge did go to law school, right? Which of course makes him or her imminently qualified to decide delicate scientific distinctions.
So, much like global warming and the other liberal causes-de-jour, if you can't prove it via science, let the courts decide. After all, a judge did go to law school, right? Which of course makes him or her imminently qualified to decide delicate scientific distinctions.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Global Cooling

A new ice age is upon us. Where's AlGore now? Why isn't this information plastered on the front pages of every newspaper and newscast in the country?
It seems that the month of April, 2007, was the 47th coolest in 113 years!!! A massive 0.3 degrees F colder than the average for the entire 20th century!!! If only I could find a way to display a completely distorted graph or pie chart (like the rest of the media does) to stress the importance of this information!!
Get out your parkas!!!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Democracy Inaction
This is embarrassing. Our fair city of Jackson, TN, just has the first election for a new City Mayor in almost 20 years when no incumbent was running. Everything was up for grabs. And, I just heard on WNWS, 101.5 FM, that less than 20 percent of the voters turned out. I don't know if that number is final, but it sure stinks.
Even the FRENCH turn out more voters. Over 80% of their potential voters showed up to vote for a new President. Now, mind you, a presidential election gets out more people that a small town Mayor. BUT COME ON PEOPLE!!! Don't complain when you don't like what Jerry Gist is doing if you didn't bother to take 20 minutes to vote!!!
Even the FRENCH turn out more voters. Over 80% of their potential voters showed up to vote for a new President. Now, mind you, a presidential election gets out more people that a small town Mayor. BUT COME ON PEOPLE!!! Don't complain when you don't like what Jerry Gist is doing if you didn't bother to take 20 minutes to vote!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007

Anyone else out there concerned about the sudden disappearance of the honey bees? What am I talking about?
In addition to making that honey that Winnie-the-Pooh loves so much, a significant source of our food comes from the pollination provided by those little stingers. A problem known as Colony Collapse Disorder seems to be causing the bee population to die off. It seems to have begun in the Eastern United States, but seems to be spreading to Europe as well.
The Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium (that's a mouthful, I know) has some interesting, but technical information on this problem.
The cause, who knows. Some people blame cell phones. Others say parasites or pathogens. And I'm sure a significant portion of people out there blame Karl Rove & Dubya.
What ever the cause, the impact of this could be HUGE!
China adoption
To all our friends and well-wishers, I'm going to try to update our adoption process. We've gotten official confirmation from the government of China that they have accepted our paperwork. It took 6 months just to get to this point in the adoption process.
All we can do right now is pray & wait. The wait times now are 15-18 months, but those numbers change almost daily. As many of you may be aware, the government of China is making changes in their adoption policy in attempt to limit the number of children that are adopted out of country. With official acknowledgement from them on a "log in date", we are supposed to be unaffected by any changes made from that day forth. But who really knows.
All we can do right now is pray & wait. The wait times now are 15-18 months, but those numbers change almost daily. As many of you may be aware, the government of China is making changes in their adoption policy in attempt to limit the number of children that are adopted out of country. With official acknowledgement from them on a "log in date", we are supposed to be unaffected by any changes made from that day forth. But who really knows.
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