Thursday, February 24, 2005

Another weakness of Socialized Medicine

An official survey of the British National Health Service (their form of socialized medicine) showed that 42% of newly diagnosed cancer patients wait longer than 2 weeks to see a specialist. And, shockingly, a full 20% had to wait longer than a month.

In my town, I can get a patient with cancer in to see an oncologist in 2-3 days.

I guess the benefit of socialized medicine is that the sickest patients die before they use up any resources.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Global Warming, Huh?

Progressive scientists are up in arms about the impending doom brought forth by global warming. In fact, according to the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, the warmest years on record are #1-1998, #2-2002, #3-2003, #4-2004.

Humm. Looks to me like we have proof here of global COOLING, not warming. If 1998 was hotter than 2002, which was hotter than 2003 which was hotter than 2004, the next logical assumption is that 2005 will be the coolest year in 8 years!!!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Routine testing for HIV

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, every American should be routinely tested for HIV. They found that it would be "cost effective" to test every person either yearly, or every 3 to 5 years. Wouldn't it be more cost effective for these so called experts to emphasize that ABSTINENCE and MONOGAMY once married are the only ways to prevent AIDS?

I'll never understand why "health experts" insist on condom education over abstinence. Condoms FAIL TO PREVENT PREGNANCY about 13% of the time. An AIDS virus is MUCH smaller than a sperm cell. Condoms don't work.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Congrats to New England

New England is now 3 for 3!!!

First, the Red Sox win the World Series.
Second, John Kerry loses the election.
Third, the Patriots are Superbowl Champs!!!

Way to go!!!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Awesome story

I just heard, this am on fox news, about a young female soldier who was hit by an RPG while on top of an Iraqi police station, severing her left arm at the shoulder. She was married-some of her platoon guys went back up to the station, under fire, and found what was left of her arm (buried under 2 feet of sand and trash) to retrieve her wedding band. Our boys and girls over there are AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Ohio supreme court justice DUI

Alice Resnick, supreme court justice for the state of Ohio, was pulled over for driving while intoxicated the other day. She registered 0.216 on the street side breatholizer. She was then taken to the station, where she REFUSED to take the official breatholizer, thus losing her driver's license for 1 year.

Just losing her license ain't enough, people! She should be impeached, and disbarred for life! What an outrage!