Friday, March 20, 2009

AIG fiasco...and worse

I am appalled and disgusted by AIG in giving out $165 million in bonuses, especially after they came groveling to the federal government for bailout money. However, I am also very concerned about Congress’ response to this travesty.

Our founding fathers knew what it was like to live under a totalitarian regime that could, and frequently did, single out individuals for punishment by confiscatory measures. The Framers of our Constitution realized that for America to truly be a free country, they would have to ensure that the government could not pass any laws singling out specific peoples for pecuniary punishment. Also, they realized that Americans could not truly have liberty if they could be punished by ex post facto laws. That is exactly what this Congress has done. The House has passed a law that they want to be applied retroactively! This is clearly unconstitutional, based on Article 1, section 9, of the US Constitution.

So while I personally will never try to do business with AIG or is subsidiaries, I also think it’s too late to do anything about it. Maybe if the Looters in Washington had actually READ THE FRICKIN' “stimulus” bill before they signed it, they would have known this could have happened; then they could have legally done something about it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

I've been waiting my whole life for this...

Finally, the movie that I've been waiting for my entire life...

Friday, March 06, 2009

How disgusting

For the second time, Democrats are gleeful that our country's situation is going down the toilet. First, Rahm Emanuel jokingly stated that Democrats should "Never let a serious crisis go to waste" (Nov 2008)

Now, Mrs Clinton has jumped on the "celebrate the destruction of America" bandwagon. She was speaking to the European Parliament yesterday and told the crown of gathered socialists, "Never waste a good crisis" when describing the current economic state.

I pray that the hard working people in this country wake up and see these disgusting Looters for the scumbags that they really are. The Producers in our society must rise up and demand change from the Looters in DC. Without us, the Moochers would have no welfare, unemployment, medicaid, etc. I pray that the Moochers realize that the governmental Looters to not really care about them; Looters only care about the power they get from taking what doesn't belong to them and giving it to others.

A majority of Americans voted for "Change" this past election. Well, people, be careful what you wish for.

Atlas may be shrugging soon.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Don't expect the government to help you...

Here an excerpt from an editorial by Ben Stein:

"You have been -- you are now -- bombarded every day with TV shows, radio news, and newspapers telling you of this government support plan and that government support plan and how they are going to rescue you. To which I can only say, when you hear the word ‘government,' in your mind, substitute the words ‘Department of Motor Vehicles.' When was the last time they rescued you? When was the last time they bailed you out of anything at all?"

"...But to expect that ‘government' is a fairy godmother who will rescue you from your problems over any long period is just fantasy. Here's the good news: This country will be rescued by each of us doing what we can do in our own individual sphere of action as government works in its sphere of action. There are roughly 142 million men and women in the labor force. Their ingenuity, flexibility, energy, and confidence will make more difference than anything government does on an individual basis...In the free society, we rescue ourselves "

Monday, March 02, 2009