Wednesday, May 22, 2013


What a tragedy the Moore, Oklahoma, tornado has become. This may go down as the most economically expensive natural disaster in US history.

However (and fortunately) this tornado is far from the most devastating, at least from the most important perspective, human lives. It isn't even in the top 10.

The most devastating tornado was actually March 18, 1925, in Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. It injured over 2000 people, and it killed 695.

The May 22, 2011, Joplin, Missouri, tornado was the 5th most devastating tornado in our history. One thousand people injured, 158 dead.

The 10th worst was in Omaha, Nebraska, on March 23, 1913. Total cost of life: 103. 

 I pray to all the saints in heaven that the death toll from Moore, OK, doesn't rise to the level of previous tornados. I pray that the souls of those killed be carried to heaven on angel's wings.

Monday, May 20, 2013

National scandals

Wow. What a rough couple of weeks for the Obama administration. Looks like somebody high up in his administration lied about Benghazi. Then the IRS illegally targets right-leaning organizations, and it looks like this has been going on for 2-3 years. Next, the administration spies on the press. 

The president my not have expressly ordered any of these heinous activities, but his is the head of the executive branch. The buck stops with him. He needs to do more than just talk about it, or fire people who really weren't involved directly with the actions ( ie Steven Miller of the IRS). 

Then, we find out that the AG has approved warrents for spying on reporters, including the Associated Press and several at Fox News. But the worst one was placing wire tap on the PARENTS of a FoxNews reporter.

As Jay Leno said, Fox News is going to change it's tag line from " Fair and balanced" to " Told you so!"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dr Evil loses

I don't know if you've been following the Dr Kermit Gosnell multiple murder trial or not. Chances are you haven't, since the mainstream media claims this is just a "local story." (despite the fact that they trumped the Sandra Fluke story as if it was the most important story in history)

Well, Dr Gosnell was convicted of several counts of murder, for savagely killing infants that survived his abortion procedures. Today, he gave up his right to appeal, in order to avoid the death penalty. So instead he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. At age 72, that will probably be a death sentence. He'll either die of old age, or his fellow inmates will murder him.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Viral apocalypse

Several months ago, a newly discovered virus, related to the infamous SARS virus, killed 7 people in Saudi Arabia. Today it was announced that this virus has hospitalized a 65 year old man in France; he had apparently recently travelled to the Middle East.

So, while it took The Plague a few years to spread across continents, this new pathogen has travelled 1/4 the way around the world in a matter of months. 

Since we didn't all die a couple of years ago from the media-fueled epidemic of swine flu, be prepared for the top of the hour news telling us that this coronavirus will be our extinction event!

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Cranberry juice and urinary tract infections

Here's something I hear in the office at least twice a week:" I thought I was getting a bladder infection, so I started drinking cranberry juice."

The truth is, once an infection has settled in, drinking cranberry juice is no better than drinking water. They'll both help reduce your symptoms of burning or pain because they dilute your urine. But neither one will treat an active infection.

However, drinking cranberry juice EVERY DAY can reduce your chance of getting an infection in the first place, by as much as a 38% reduction in some studies. That might not seem like much of a reduction, but if you have a history of recurrent UTIs, that is pretty huge.

And, of course, if you think you have a kidney or bladder infection, go see your doctor.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Yet another ADULT stem cell victory

A 2 year old girl, born without her trachea (windpipe) has been saved by adult stem cells. Hannah Warren had stem cells removed from her own hip's bone marrow, seeded onto a plastic scaffold, where it took <7 days for a new trachea to grow. It was recently successfully transplanted into Hannah, and she appears able to breath on her own for the first time in her life. Thank you God!

Once again we see stem cell success without killing a baby ( embryo). Fetal or embryonic stem cells have never show what Dr. Frankenstein promised us they will. There are now dozens of stories of success using adult stem cells.

Stop all funding of embryonic stem cells , and plow the millions into adult stem cell research.