Friday, December 14, 2012

I've stopped watching the news

Anyone who knows me knows that I wasn't too happy with the election results. I really do not think that Pres. Obama loves this country. Despite the fact that he,himself is a multi millionaire, he doesn't seem to want anyone else to succeed.

I discovered, with the direct confrontation of my wife, that I was becoming very angry and bitter every time I watch the news. So I decided to stop.

I still read the local paper. I still occasionally browse news websites and use iPad apps like "Zite" & "Flipboard."

But instead, I have been reading more, and watching more Netflix. And I can definitely say that I'm a much happier person now.

I'm sure at some point I'll start watching cable news again, but hopefully not for a while.

I still pray almost every night that Obama is guided by the Lord's grace and will. But I don't expect Obama to change. And since I can't change him, I'll have to change myself.

Star Trek & iPads.

I've been watching a lot of reruns of Star Trek the Next Generation lately.

It's supposed to be approximately 300 years in the future.

I've noticed that despite the several hundred years that have gone by, we are still using iPads, both regular size and Mini.

Steve Jobs must be quite proud!