Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stem cells may cure diabetes

A new study shows that there might actually be a cure for Type 1, or juvenile, diabetes. Using stem cells! Unfortunately for progressives, the cells are adult stem cells, not embryonic.

Researchers in Brazil have shown that by using a diabetic's own bone marrow to harvest ADULT stem cells,and then injecting them back into the same patient, 50% of the diabetics were still not requiring insulin injections- after almost 3 years!

So once again, science has shown that stem cells indeed may offer miracle cures. And once again, it is adult stem cells, not embryonic cells, to the rescue. Why do people keep denying this fact and insist on destroying embryos?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Take My World Apart

One of my absolute favorite songs, and incredibly appropriate for this weekend:

Monday, April 06, 2009

Government Charity

When Indonesia was devastated by a tsunami in 2004, private American citizens gave millions of dollars towards recovery.

Now, 1n 2009, Italy has experienced a massive earthquake. Just to the north of Rome. Entire towns have been destroyed. Over 100 people killed, thousands now homeless. Priceless medieval buildings lie in ruins. And all the US Government can do is give $50,000.

True, Italy is not Indonesia. And President Obama did offer rescue teams, which the Italian government turned down. But $50,000 seems more like an insult than an offer of aid. Especially in light of the gazillions being offered to AIG, GM, etc.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Your taxes are going up, in spite of what he said...

"I can make a firm pledge," then presidential-candidate Barack Obama said on Sept. 12,2008, in Dover, New Hampshire. "Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."

"Any form...". Humm.

Well, that's not what's happening. Starting today, the taxes on tobacco have skyrocketed. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for enticing people to stop smoking. And of course, the money is going to help children. Who can be against that, right? Unfortunately, the vast majority of smokers make less than $250,000/year.

A disproportionate number of lower-income-bracket people smoke; they are the ones that Mr Obama said he would help by not raising their taxes.

So, Mr Obama, would you care to revise your Sept 12,2008, statement?