Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Redeem Team

I'm not a big NBA fan. It seems like most professional basketball players are all about ego. At least it did, until this year's "Redeem Team" at the Olympics. These young men, all millionaires I'm sure, didn't have to go to China and compete. They didn't have to go cheer on Michael Phelps as he swam. They didn't have to go watch the beach volleyball teams win. They didn't have to be such stand up guys; no news about drunken orgies, no fights, no ego-trips. They stood there proudly at the gold medal ceremony, singing the "Star Spangled Banner."

And, after this, what did they do? They all went over to their coach, Mike Krzyzewski, and one-by-one put their medals around his neck.

God Bless America. Go USA!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Christian church has only existed for 50 years

Apparently, the Christian church has only been in existence for about 50 years, according to Speaker of the House (and 3rd in line to the Presidency) Nancy Peolsi. This weekend on a TV political news show, Ms Peolsi was asked about the Catholic Church's stance that life begins at conception. Since Ms Pelosi claims to be Catholic, you'd think she was prepared to answer this question.

She replied, "'I understand. And this is, like, maybe 50 years or something like that. So again, over the history of the church, this is an issue of controversy".

First off, does anyone really believe that the history of the church is "maybe 50 years" old?

Then she mentions the canard of controversy about life. From the beginning, the church has taught that life begins at conception. Tertullian wrote in the late second or early third century (a bit longer than 50 years ago) that "The embryo therefore becomes a human being in the womb from the moment that its form is completed. The law of Moses, indeed, punishes with due penalties the man who shall cause abortion, inasmuch as there exists already the rudiment of a human being" (Tertullian, a Treatise on the Soul).

If 1800 years ago isn't old enough, back in 80 AD (maybe as late as 120 AD) a Christian document was written, the Didache. In it is the phrase "you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is born"

Pelosi is trying to put her post-modern spin on the topic of abortion. Sure, I'm putting my spin on it, too, but my spin has been around for about 2000 years.

This Messiah's Not Quite Omniscient

John McCain is in the news for stumbling over a seemingly simple question. In an effort to show how out of touch McCain is, a lefty reporter asked the Senator, whose wife is a rich heiress to a beer distribution fortune, how many homes he owned. He didn't know, "I think - I’ll have my staff get to you". In true liberal fashion, this gaffe has been constantly played by the drive-by media.

The media's anointed Messiah, the most-holy Barak Obama would never make a gaffe, would he? Besides, who cares if the man who would be America's savior knows how many states America has? Sure, he was tired (gasp-he's not Omnipotent, either) and the number was a slip of the tongue. But to say "57 states, I think one left to go, one left to go, Alaska and Hawaii..."? That's an awful strange math. I guess Alaska and Hawaii are the same state, which gives us a total of 58 states in the Peoples States of America.

I don't know about you, but I want my president to be highly successful in his life, personally, financially and professionally. I don't want a president who knows how much a gallon of milk costs. If he's busy doing his own grocery shopping, he's not spending enough time doing his job. I want him to know what the bad guys are doing.

Addendum: Somehow, he made a mistake again last night. He told the DNC convention attendees that he was with a family in "St. Louis." Fortunately for him, his daughter corrected him-he was in Kansas City. Will this mistake play on an endless loop? Don't hold your breath.

Craig Ferguson is funny

If you haven't been able to watch the Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson, give it a try. Craig is quite funny, much of his humor is self deprecating. He often talks about his past struggles with alcohol. If you get time, go to and look up Craig's monologue after his father passed away.

Here's some video from this year's White House Correspondence Dinner where Craig Ferguson was the host.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bryan Clay, Olympic Gold Medalist, Christian

The winner of the decathlon, arguable the most difficult Olympic event, at this summer's Olympic games is Bryan Clay. He also won the silver medal at the 2004 games, and overcame injuries to bring home the gold this year.

Bryan and his wife are both devout Christians; and here is a link to a nice interview with him from just before he left the USA to go to China.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Go, Michael Phelps, go!

I don't know about you, but I was glued to the tube to watch Michael Phelps become the most decorated athlete in Olympic history. He seems like a very humble young man with a compelling story.

However, he is being criticized for endorsing Frosted Flakes and McDonald's restaurants. The tightly-wound-up critics are afraid that sets a bad example for young people. They need to get a life. Not one single child is going to get fat because they saw Michael Phelps on a box of cereal.

Go, Michael! I'm glad to see he's endorsing products he's actually using, and not being a sell-out.