Tuesday, September 13, 2005

New World Order

While I am not one who normally believes in conspiracies (except for the one about freemasons hiding the treasure of the Temple of Solomon under a church in NYC!), it looks like we are getting one step closer to a One World Government .

Ex-president of the US Bill Clinton looks like he is setting himself up to be president of the World. Rumors abound about his being next in line to be the Secretary General of the Useless Nations.

Wherever and whenever a neo-con-inspired disaster strikes, he's there, all smiles and thumbs up.

Now it looks like he's bringing 1000 of the world's "leading" thinkers, businessmen and politicians together for one big Clinton-a-thon in NYC, ostentatiously to talk about ending world poverty, lessening religious tensions, reduce global warming and to promote good democracies.

Just imagine the liberal utopia we could be living in, if only we would realize our own ineptitude and let Mr Clinton run our daily lives. We would all gladly work for free, donating our entire salaries to the less fortunate. We would allow the omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent government to provide for our every need. And there would be no need for private charities since big brother was watching out for us now. We would all hold hands, bow our heads and say a prayer to a greater "nothing", all the while admitting that the truest higher power resides in the governmental seat. We'd be riding to work on hydrogen powered bicycles, eating organic broccoli off of biodegradable plates that have been used a dozen or so times beforehand. And we'd all be registered Democrats.

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