Monday, March 06, 2006

Katrina Myths

For a great exposé of the myths about Hurricane Katrina that are being propagated by the leftist media, pick up the March 2006 issue of Popular Mechanics .

It lists 7 of the most egregiouss falsehoods about the aftermath of the tragic hurricane, and point-by-point, breaks them down and corrects them.

Topics covered include why the Federal response to Katrina may actually be the BEST response to date by a governmental agency. It also points out that, by the time Katrina hit land, it wasn't really the "Storm from Hell," as it dropped from a huge monster Cat5 to a smaller (but still a monster) Cat3. And how all the murder and mayhem never really took place in the Superdome.

The magazine never denies that Katrina is one of the worst, if not the worst, disasters to hit the USA; they never deny the tragedy that is still the Gulf Coast.

BUT, once again, the media has taken a false idea and run with it.

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