Sunday, April 06, 2008

The girl who cries wolf

Apparently, presidential candidate and New York Senator Hillary Clinton has a habit of "misspeaking", and the vast right wing conspiracy (which now suprisingly includes CNN) has an unfortunate habit of pointing this out.

Recently, it has been shown that Mrs Clinton lied when she talked about coming under sniper fire in Bosnia while she was First Lady. More recently, Mrs Clinton has been telling the story of a poor pregnant woman with no insurance who died after delivery of her infant. According to the presidential candidate, the woman's death was because the hospital refused to treat her since she had no insurance. Well, it turns out, suprise-suprise-suprise, that the story is not true. While the woman in question did indeed die weeks after the delivery of her stillborn baby, she was never denied treatment, and she had insurance.

Oh well. Never let the truth get in the way, I suppose.

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