Thursday, November 08, 2012

Equality for All

Congratulations America! We elected Barack Hussain Obama for another 4 years!

In the Obamanation, equality for all will be guaranteed, by force if necessary.

In the Obamanation, if you work overtime, your money will be redistributed to those who napped on the job. Equality!

In the Obamanation, if you get A's in school, your grade will be lowered to a C, and any poor unfortunate student who would have gotten an F will be be raised to a C. Equality!!

In the Obamanation, success will be punished, sloth will be rewarded.

In the Obamanation, private charities will all be closed. The Red Cross & Salvation Army are both offensive to non-christians, muslims in particular. The Government will take care of you in a storm.

In the Obamanation, there will be no clinging to your guns or your religion. All private citizens with guns will be asked to turn them in to the proper authorities. Of course, all the crime lords, gang members general psychotic will still keep theirs, since they weren't stupid enough to buy their guns legally.

In the Obamanation, you'll be allowed to keep the health care you already have, as long as what you already have is Medicare or Medicaid. All others will be transitioned to Medicare or Medicaid.

In the Obamanation, you can go to the Church of your choice. As long as the Church of your choice has openly gay ministers, hands out birth control pills to all girls over age 12 and preaches how abortion is not only just but you can abort your "fetus" up to 1 year after it's born.

Remember the Communist motto: FORWARD

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