Friday, July 17, 2009

the Death of the Physician

Currently, the health care reform bills before Congress are 1000+ pages long. Obviously no one is going to be able to read this monstrosity before it is voted on.

However, a few pages have been brought to my attention, and I thought I'd pass them on. I believe this bill will be the death of the American physician.

Page 461 states that mid level providers (i.e. nurse practitioner) will be placed in charge of “a patient centered medical home.”

Page 463 states that primary care will be defined as being provided by either a physician or a midlevel.

Page 480 defines a primary care provider as “a physician or other health care practitioner (including a nurse practitioner) who specializes in family medicine, general internal medicine, geriatrics, or obstetrics and gynecology.”

And page 778 describes how midlevels will be paid the same as physicians for providing care.

So what this seems to say to me is that, as a primary care provider, I wasted my time going to medical school for 4 years and then on to 3 years of residency. I racked up $120,000+ of debt for nothing. I should have just gone to nursing school and I could have saved a fortune.

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