Thursday, September 25, 2008


Presidential hopeful Barak Obama apparently supports the idea of infanticide. Four times while in the Illinois Senate, Senator Obama voted against the Born Alive Protection Act. This act, which became law in Illinois in 2005 (after Obama left the state senate), protects children who survive an abortion attempt.

Up until that point, in many cases, if a child survived an abortion procedure, they were left to die on the operating table, whether this took minutes or hours. Mr Obama felt that an infant who was to be aborted was less than human, and didn't have the same human rights as a wanted child who was born prematurely. The Born Alive Protection Act would require physicians give such a child the exact same life-saving attention that were used on premature babies.

Even NARAL (the largest abortion rights group in the world) did not oppose the passage of this bill. The most liberal members of the US senate voted unanimously with the rest of the Senate in the passage of a similar national bill.

This man wants to be our President. He is supposed to protect the citizens of the United States against all threats, foreign and domestic. Yet he REFUSES to protect the most frail, the most vulnerable, citizens. What other duties and responsibilities will he refuse?

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