Thursday, September 25, 2008

Will they debate?

John McCain states that the crisis in the economy is too important for him to take time off for a presidential debate.

Barak Obama states that the crisis in the economy is too important for him to not take part in the debate.

I don't really know who's right. But something struck me as funny today. Both candidates are supposed to be US Senators. Yours and my tax money pays their salaries. To the tune of over $169,00.00. Has either candidate actually done a fricken' thing they are being paid to do during the past 2 years? I think any sitting U.S. member of Congress, either house, that runs for any other office should repay their salary back to the people, since they aren't doing their jobs. Let 'em run for President on someone besides the U.S. Taxpayer's back.


Anonymous said...

this is the first thing we've ever politically agreed upon.

Juan Blanco said...

Benny, not true. We both agreed when you got your first real paycheck that the Looters in DC were taking out waaay too much in taxes.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you're right (should i say that "on record"?) ... though i'm not sure you can call my paycheck "real" these days: more like gas money.