Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ransacking the White House

I don't know if you remember, but when the first black president left office in 2001, his staffers showed their class and sophistication by ransacking the White House. Walls were covered with graffiti. Computer keyboards were destroyed beyond use. Phone lines were severed. Filing cabinets were super glued shut. Pornographic photos were left strewn about like ticker-tape.

Well, as the media loves to report, we're supposed to believe that George W. Bush is the most vile president to ever hold the public office. So, I'm sure that his staffers are just as perverted. But, so far, I've not heard a single report about their damaging or desecrating the White House or the office of President. Humm...

I'm sure that Dick Cheney was able to use the dark side of the Force to suppress the reports of destruction. Because we all know that Republicans are worse than Democrats in every respect, right MSNBC?

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