Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Gun Control

The government wants to keep people with "serious" mental illness or who are "potentially"dangerous from owning guns.

On the surface, this sounds great. But what bothers me is who gets to determine what serious is, or what potentially dangerous is?

Remember, the government is mandating that your personal Medical records be computerized, thus easily available to be screened and audited by government bureaucrats. I think everyone would agree that someone who is psychopathic, chronically violent, or Severely schizophrenic should not own a gun.

But what about the husband who goes to his doctor because he's grieving after the death of his wife of 50 years. Once his doctor diagnoses him with grief or anxiety, the mental illness flag is up. Would this keep him from owning a gun?
Or the woman with postpartum depression?

And how can you determine who is potentially dangerous, or who might commit a crime? More people are killed in automobile accidents then by firearms. Should the guy who's gotten 4 speeding tickets in the past two years be considered potentially dangerous?

Is the guy with the "who is John Galt" bumper sticker dangerous? Is the person with the pro-choice license plate dangerous?

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